
object TupleDemo {
  val tuple = (3, "Hello, world! ")

  /** @return str replicated x times */
  def foo(x: Int, str: String) = str * x

  val tupledFoo1 = (foo _).tupled // partially applied function

  val tupledFoo2 = Function.tupled(foo _) // desugared syntax for same partially applied function

object TupleDemoApp extends App {
  import TupleDemo._

  println(tupledFoo1(tuple)) // Hello, world! Hello, world! Hello, world!
  println(tupledFoo2(tuple)) // Hello, world! Hello, world! Hello, world!


import scala.Function1;
import scala.Function2;
import scala.Tuple2;
import scala.collection.immutable.WrappedString;
import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2;

public class JavaTupleDemo {
   /** @return str replicated x times */
   static final Function2<Integer, String, String> foo = new AbstractFunction2<Integer, String, String>() {
       public String apply(Integer x, String str) {
           return new WrappedString(str).$times(x);

       // perhaps the types for this method are incorrect?
       public Function1<Tuple2<Integer, String>, String> tupled(Tuple2 tuple2) {
           return null; // what to write here instead of null?

  public static void main(String[] args) {
      // works: Invoke tupled function defined in Scala from Java using Tuple2 defined in Java
      Tuple2<Object, String> tuple = new Tuple2<Object, String>(3, "Hello, World! ");

      // works: Invoke regular function defined in Java from Java
      System.out.println(JavaTupleDemo.foo.apply(3, "Hello, planet! "));

      // stumped: Invoke tupled function defined in Java from Java using both the Scala and the Java Tuple2 instances

2 に答える 2



import scala.Function;
import scala.Function2;
import scala.Tuple2;
import scala.collection.immutable.WrappedString;
import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2;

public class JavaTupleDemo {
  static final Function2<Integer, String, String> foo =
    new AbstractFunction2<Integer, String, String>() {
      public String apply(Integer x, String str) {
        return new WrappedString(str).$times(x);

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Tuple2<Integer, String> tuple =
      new Tuple2<Integer, String>(3, "Hello, World! ");



Integerタプルに:として入力することについての質問に対処するには、これを処理する最も簡単な方法( Scala側で明示的にObject作成できない、または作成したくない場合)はおそらく次のとおりです。Integer

Tuple2<Object, String> scalaTuple = TupleDemo.tuple();

Tuple2<Integer, String> tuple = new Tuple2<Integer, String>(
  (Integer) scalaTuple._1(),


于 2012-12-22T02:51:59.783 に答える

Travis Brownの回答の問題は、彼がすべてのコードを含んでいないことです。これがコンパイルされない完全なコードです。

import scala.Function;
import scala.Function2;
import scala.Tuple2;
import scala.collection.immutable.WrappedString;
import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2;

public class JavaTupleDemo {
   /** tupled() is implemented in Function2 (and therefore in AbstractFunction2)
    * @return str replicated x times */
   static final Function2<Integer, String, String> foo = new AbstractFunction2<Integer, String, String>() {
       public String apply(Integer x, String str) {
           return new WrappedString(str).$times(x);

  public static void main(String[] args) {
      // Invoke tupled function defined in Scala from Java using Tuple2 defined in Java
      Tuple2<Object, String> tuple = new Tuple2<Object, String>(3, "Hello, World! ");

      // Invoke regular function defined in Java from Java
      System.out.println(JavaTupleDemo.foo.apply(3, "Hello, planet! "));

      // Invoke tupled function defined in Java from Java using both the Scala and the Java Tuple2 instances


error: method apply in interface Function1<T1,R> cannot be applied to given types;
required: Tuple2<Integer,String>
found: Tuple2<Object,String>
reason: actual argument Tuple2<Object,String> cannot be converted to Tuple2<Integer,String> by method invocation conversion
where T1,R are type-variables:
T1 extends Object declared in interface Function1
R extends Object declared in interface Function1


System.out.println(JavaTupleDemo.foo.tupled().apply((Tuple2<Integer, String>)tuple));
System.out.println(Function.tupled(JavaTupleDemo.foo).apply((Tuple2<Integer, String>)tuple));


error: inconvertible types
required: Tuple2<Integer,String>
found:    Tuple2<Object,String>

このコンパイルを行う唯一の方法は、本当に厄介なことを行うことです。最初にタプルをオブジェクトにキャストし、次にタプル2 <整数、文字列>にキャストします。

System.out.println(JavaTupleDemo.foo.tupled().apply((Tuple2<Integer, String>)((Object)javaTuple)));
System.out.println(Function.tupled(JavaTupleDemo.foo).apply((Tuple2<Integer, String>)((Object)javaTuple)));


于 2012-12-22T21:13:28.513 に答える