
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace BarcodeReader
   public class Parsing
      private static string _FolderName = "BarcodeReaders";
      private static bool _Initialized = false;
      private static IEnumerable<IBarcodeReader> _Objs;

      /// Parse the picture
      /// <returns>The value from the picture</returns>
      public static async Task<string> ParsePicture()
         // Check if this class has not been initialized, and if it hasn't initialize it
         if (!_Initialized)
            await InitializeAsync();

         foreach (var Obj in _Objs)
            if (Obj.IsType())
               return Obj.GetValue();

         return null;

      private static async Task InitializeAsync()
         // Get the folder
         var Folder = await GetFolder();

         // Get the Files in the Folder
         var Files = await Folder.GetFilesAsync();

         // Initialize the objects and set them
         _Objs = InitializeObjects(Files);

         // Set it as initialized
         _Initialized = true;

      private static IEnumerable<IBarcodeReader> InitializeObjects(IEnumerable<Windows.Storage.StorageFile> Files)
         foreach (var File in Files)
            string Name = File.Path;
            var Assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName(Name));
            foreach (var Typ in Assembly.ExportedTypes)
               var TypInfo = Typ.GetTypeInfo();
               foreach (var Interf in TypInfo.ImplementedInterfaces)
                  if (Interf.Name.Equals("IBarcodeReader"))
                     yield return (IBarcodeReader)Activator.CreateInstance(Typ);

      private static async Task<bool> BarcodeFolderExist(Windows.Storage.StorageFolder Folder)
         // Get all folders
         var Folders = await Folder.GetFoldersAsync();

         // For each folder, check if it is the Folder we are searching and if it is return true
         foreach (var Foldr in Folders)
            if (Foldr.Name.Equals(_FolderName))
               return true;

         // Return false as the folder was not found
         return false;

      private static async Task<Windows.Storage.StorageFolder> GetFolder()
         // Get the local-folder
         var Folder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;

         // Check if the folder does not exist, and if it does not create it
         if (!await BarcodeFolderExist(Folder))
            await Folder.CreateFolderAsync(_FolderName);

         return await Folder.GetFolderAsync(_FolderName);


namespace QRReader
   public sealed class QRReader : IBarcodeReader
      public bool IsType()
         return true;

      public string GetValue()
         return "HEJ";

   public interface IBarcodeReader
      bool IsType();
      string GetValue();


FileLoadException was unhandled by user code
The assembly name or code base was illegal. (Exception HRESULT: 0x80131047)

-name変数はに設定されています C:\Users\Lasse\AppData\Local\Packages\93e3b2c9-7ef8-4537-be39-d0f3e93ca100_e85ydygyad1dy\LocalState\BarcodeReaders\QRReader.winmd


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