Lincoln Stein 著Network Programming with Perl (c. 2001)で読んでいるガイドラインのいくつかに従って、スケルトン サーバー (Perl で) をまとめようとしています。ここにあるのは、接続ごとに子をフォークし、終了トークンを受信するまで受信したものをエコー バックする単純なエコー サーバーです。
私はプリミティブ バージョンを動作させ、$SIG{CHLD} ハンドラーなどの新機能を追加し、分岐後に「不要な」ファイル ハンドルをさらに閉じるようにしました。(変更を選択的に取り消そうとしましたが、役に立ちませんでした。)
以下は、バグを説明するサーバーとクライアントの両方の実行可能なバージョンです。コードを調べるだけで問題が明らかになる場合があります。実行したい場合は、終了トークンである単一のピリオド (.) を入力してクライアントを終了します。これにより、サーバーでバグがトリガーされます。
# Template for a server.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Basename;
use IO::Socket;
use Net::hostent; # for OO version of gethostbyaddr
use Data::Dumper;
use 5.010;
my $program = basename $0;
my $master_pid = $$; # Master server's pid
$| = 1; # flush STDOUT buffer regularly
# Initialize.
my %opts;
getopts( 'hp:', \%opts );
if ( $opts{'h'} ) { # no args, or the -h arg
print <<EOF;
Usage: $program [-p port]
Where: -p port advertised port number, > 1024 (default: 2000)
my $server_port = $opts{p} || 2000;
croak "-p port omitted.\n" if !defined $server_port;
croak "port must be numeric.\n" if $server_port !~ /^[[:digit:]]+$/;
croak "port must be 1025 .. 65535.\n"
if $server_port < 1025 || $server_port > 65535;
# Set up a child-reaping subroutine for SIGCHLD
$SIG{CHLD} = sub {
while ( ( my $kid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG )) > 0 ) {
# Become a server.
# Open the server's advertised port for incoming connections
my $listen_socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => 'tcp',
LocalPort => $server_port,
Listen => SOMAXCONN,
Reuse => 1
croak "Can't set up listening port: $!\n" unless $listen_socket;
say "Server ready.";
# Block on accept() call until a new connection arrives
my $client_fh;
while ( $client_fh = $listen_socket->accept() ) {
$client_fh->autoflush(1); # turn on frequent flushing
my $hostinfo
= gethostbyaddr( $client_fh->peeraddr ); # resolve ipaddr to name
# Now that a connection is established, spawn a conversation.
defined (my $child_pid = fork())
or croak "Can't fork: $!\n";
if ( $child_pid == 0 ) { # if being run by the forked child
# S T A R T O F C H I L D C O N T E X T
conversate($client_fh); # run the child process
# E N D O F C H I L D C O N T E X T
$client_fh->close; # Parent immediately closes its copy
say "Bummer - for some reason the socket->accept() failed.";
# S U B R O U T I N E S
# conversate ( client_fh )
# S T A R T O F C H I L D P R O C E S S
sub conversate {
my $client_fh = shift; # connection to client
$listen_socket->close; # we don't need our copy of this
my $child_pid = $$; # get our new pid
print $client_fh "READY\n"; # tell them we're here
while (1) {
# Let client talk first
my $line = <$client_fh>; # ?? Isn't there an OO way?
if ( !defined $line ) {
chomp $line;
last EXCHANGE if $line eq '.';
# Now send a reply (echo) and close the connection.
print $client_fh "$line\n"; # ?? Isn't there an OO way?
exit 0; # child process exits
# E N D O F C H I L D P R O C E S S
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
use 5.010;
#sub say { print "@_\n"; }
my $program = basename $0;
my %opts;
getopts( 'hvs:p:', \%opts );
if ( $opts{'h'} ) { # -h arg
print <<EOF;
Usage: $program [-v] [-s hostname [-p port]]
-s hostname host name (default: localhost)
-p port port number (default: 2000)
-v verbose mode
my $verbose = $opts{v} || 0;
my $hostname = $opts{s} || 'localhost'; # hard coded for now
my $port = $opts{p} || 2000;
# Initialize
# Initialize the ReadLine terminal
use Term::ReadLine;
my $term = Term::ReadLine->new($0);
# Contact server and begin main loop
use IO::Socket;
my $remote = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => $hostname,
PeerPort => $port,
) or die "Cannot connect to $hostname:$port";
my $line;
while (1) {
# Wait for server
$line = <$remote>;
last EXCHANGE if !defined $line; # connection closed by remote?
# Print server response
chomp $line;
say "SERVER: $line";
# Read from STDIN
$line = $term->readline("Enter something: ");
chomp $line;
# Send to server
print $remote "$line\n";
close $remote or die "Close failed: $!";
print "\n$program exiting normally.\n\n";