私は実際に ClassB で独自のイベントを作成します
public event EventHandler MySpecialHook;
EventHandler は、の標準デリゲートです。
public delegate void EventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
次に、クラス A で ClassB のインスタンスを作成した後、イベント ハンドラーにフックして、A が知っておくべき何かが B で発生したときに通知します。OnActivated、OnLostFocus、OnMouseMove などのイベントによく似ています (ただし、デリゲートのシグネチャは異なります)。
public class ClassB {
public event EventHandler MySpecialHook;
public void SomeMethodDoingActionInB()
// do whatever you need to.
// THEN, if anyone is listening (via the class A sample below)
// broadcast to anyone listening that this thing was done and
// they can then grab / do whatever with results or any other
// properties from this class as needed.
if( MySpecialHook != null )
MySpecialHook( this, null );
public class YourClassA
ClassB YourObjectToB;
public YourClassA
// create your class
YourObjectToB = new ClassB();
// tell Class B to call your "NotificationFromClassB" method
// when such event requires it
YourObjectToB += NotificationFromClassB;
public void NotificationFromClassB( object sender, EventArgs e )
// Your ClassB did something that your "A" class needs to work on / with.
// the "sender" object parameter IS your ClassB that broadcast the notification.