import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.display.MovieClip
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyLIST);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyLIST);
manMC.positionPNT = new Point (manMC.x, manMC.y);
//track using loop and keypresses, not just keyEvent
var leftKeyDown:Boolean = false;
var rightKeyDown:Boolean = false;
function keyLIST (ke:KeyboardEvent) {
//trace(ke.toString() );
//1. work out where we're going from where we are now
//characterPNT = new Point(manMC.x, manMC.y);
//2. offset our destination point
switch (ke.keyCode) {
case 37:
leftKeyDown = (ke.type == "keyDown");
case 39:
//moveCharacter(manMC, "right");
rightKeyDown = (ke.type == "keyDown");
//87UP, 83DOWN
case 38:
case 83:
//trace ("this key does nothing");
}// close switch
}// end function keyLIST
function movementCallback (ev:Event):void {
if (leftKeyDown == true) {
moveCharacter(manMC, "left");
if (rightKeyDown == true) {
moveCharacter(manMC, "right");
addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, movementCallback);
//a new movement function
function moveCharacter(char:character, dir:String ):void {//datatype as void as it returns nothing
//will need this
//var characterPNT:Point; //moved to character class
//maMC.positionPNT = new Point( manMC.x, manMC.y);
//copy current poistion before offsetting with movement, speed and direction
manMC.destinationPNT = manMC.positionPNT.clone();
//characterPNT = new Point(manMC.x, manMC.y);
//var colliding:Boolean;
//do multiple collision detection here
var offsetPNT:Point;//detecting the destination of the body points
switch (dir) {
case "left":
//move PNT to left
manMC.destinationPNT.x -= manMC.speedNUM;
offsetPNT = manMC.leftarmPNT;
case "right":
//move PNT to right
manMC.destinationPNT.x += manMC.speedNUM;
offsetPNT = manMC.rightarmPNT;
//set to true of false by the function that returns a Boolean value
var colliding:Boolean = multipleHitTest (manMC.positionPNT, manMC.destinationPNT, offsetPNT, activeArray);
//trace ("moveMode: " + manMC.moveModeSTR);
if (!colliding /*&& manMC.moveModeSTR != "falling"*/) { //may be more complex to control player movement when falling&jumping
manMC.moveToPoint( manMC.destinationPNT );
//manMC.x = manMC.destinationPNT.x;
//manMC.y = manMC.destinationPNT.y;
//always update position PNT when character is moved
//manMC.positionPNT = manMC.destinationPNT.clone();//copies destination point
//Apply gravity at all times using a loop/callback
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gravityFUNC);
var gravityNUM:Number = new Number(10);
function gravityFUNC (ev:Event) {
var falling:Boolean;
var gravityPNT:Point = manMC.positionPNT.clone();
gravityPNT.y += gravityNUM;
gravityPNT.y -= manMC.verticalVelocityNUM;
//decaying gravity, caping it at 0 to avoid negatives
manMC.verticalVelocityNUM = Math.max ( 0, manMC.verticalVelocityNUM - gravityNUM);
falling = !multipleHitTest (manMC.positionPNT, gravityPNT, manMC.feetPNT, activeArray);
//trace("falling " + falling);
if (falling == true) {
//manMC.y = gravityPNT.y;
//either jumping or falling
if ( manMC.verticalVelocityNUM == 0) {
manMC.moveModeSTR = "falling";
}else {
manMC.moveModeSTR = "jumping";
} else {
manMC.moveModeSTR = "walking";
//add when declared
//varobstacles:Array = new Array (block0MC, block1MC, block2MC);
//declared and then new instance
//var obstacles:Array;
//obstacles = new Array (block6MC);
//declares and create empty array
/*var obstacles:Array = new Array();
//push adds an item to the front of an array
obstacles.push (block0MC); // add instance names of display objects (or other data)
obstacles.push (block1MC);
obstacles.push (block2MC);
obstacles.push (block3MC);*/
//trace("length of list" + obstacles.length);
//trace(obstacles[0]); //access first element of array
//trace( block0MC["x"] );// acessing x property using different method
function multipleHitTest( position:Point, destination:Point, offset:Point, targets:Array):Boolean { //these are ARGUMENTS
//track hittest true or false
var returnBOOL:Boolean = new Boolean (false);
// cap length of loop - ie.e how many iterations?
var limit:int = new int ( targets.length );// obstacles.length is 3 items long
//the "counter", increases or decreases each time
var i:int;
//chunks =
//start counter at 0;
// loop while counter is less than limit;
// increment counter by 1 each looop;
for( i=0; i<limit; i++) {
//will access each item in array, as "i" is an integer
//because it's targeted as a movieclip we can ask it's name
//this is 'reference variable'
//we are creating an 'alias' of the item in the list
var testAgainstObject:DisplayObject = targets[i];
//track direction
var moveDirection:String;
//only hit test things we're moving towards...
if (position.x < destination.x) { //if we're moving right
moveDirection = new String( "right" );
} else if (position.x > destination.x) {//else if we're moving left
moveDirection = new String( "left" );
(moveDirection == "right" && targets[i].x >= position.x && destination.x >= targets[i].x)
(moveDirection == "left" && targets[i].x <= position.x && destination.x <= (targets[i].x + targets[i].width) )
) {//obstacle is to the right
// obstacle moving right
// moving right
//create a copy of 'destination'
var offsetDestination:Point = destination.clone();
//apply our offset provided by our character limbs
offsetDestination.offset(offset.x, offset.y);
//if point is colliding with list item
//if( testAgainstObject.hitTestPoint (destination.x, destination.y) ) { //REMOVED FOR TESTING
if( testAgainstObject.hitTestPoint (offsetDestination.x, offsetDestination.y) ) {
//trace("collisiondetected " + targets[i].name);
returnBOOL = true;
} else {
//trace("no collision");
//do nothing if flase, as it would contradict a 'true' value set earlier in the loop
return (returnBOOL); //tesing only
//declares and create empty array
var blackBlocks:Array = new Array();
//push adds an item to the front of an array
blackBlocks.push (block0MC); // add instance names of display objects (or other data)
blackBlocks.push (block1MC);
blackBlocks.push (blackbarrier);
blackBlocks.push (blackbarrier2);
blackBlocks.push (blackbarrier3);
blackBlocks.push (blackbarrier4);
blackBlocks.push (blackbarrier5);
var whiteBlocks:Array = new Array();
//push adds an item to the front of an array
whiteBlocks.push (block2MC);
whiteBlocks.push (block3MC);
whiteBlocks.push (whitebarrier);
whiteBlocks.push (whitebarrier2);
whiteBlocks.push (whitebarrier3);
whiteBlocks.push (whitebarrier4);
whiteBlocks.push (whitebarrier5);
var redBlocks:Array = new Array();
redBlocks.push (redblock1MC);
//var activeArray:Array = new Array (blackBlocks);
var activeArray:Array = blackBlocks;
//active.push (redblock1MC);
//Adds an event listener to the button component with the mouse click event.
//hide_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleBlocks);
//show_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showObject);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, toggleBlocks);
// start toggle blocks
function toggleBlocks (event:KeyboardEvent):void {
var i:int = 0;
var lim:int = activeArray.length;
if(event.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){
trace("Toggle Blocks");
blocksVisibility( activeArray , false );
if( activeArray == blackBlocks) {
activeArray = whiteBlocks;
activeArray = blackBlocks;
blocksVisibility( activeArray , true );
} // end IF
} // end toggle blocks
function blocksVisibility( arrARG:Array , visBOOL:Boolean ){
var i:int = 0;
var lim:int = arrARG.length;
for( i=0; i<lim; i++) {
arrARG[i].visible = visBOOL;
blocksVisibility( this.whiteBlocks , false );
blocksVisibility( this.redBlocks , false );
//blocksVisibility( this.redBlocks , false );
//======== red block button ========
// on collision trigger button and make red platform appear
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(5000,1);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerListener);
function timerListener(e:TimerEvent):void {
blocksVisibility( this.redBlocks , true );
//redBlock1MC:Array = true;
//activeArray:Array = redBlocks;
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onComplete);
function onComplete(e:TimerEvent):void {
blocksVisibility( this.redBlocks , false );
//redBlock1MC:Array = false;
//activeArray:Array = blackBlocks;
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onStart);
function onStart(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
if (e.keyCode == 88){
blocksVisibility( this.redBlocks , true );
//redBlock1MC:Array = true;
} */
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(10000, 1); // 1 second
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timedPlatform);
function timedPlatform(event:TimerEvent):void {
trace("timedPlatform() called @ " + getTimer() + " ms");
blocksVisibility( this.redBlocks , false );
/*if (manMC.hitTestObject(redButton)){
trace("Start Timer");
blocksVisibility( this.redBlocks , true );
activeArray = redBlocks;
} */
redButton.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, startTimer);
function startTimer(event:Event):void{
//if (e.keyCode == 88){
//if (manMC, hitTest(redButton)) {
if (manMC.hitTestObject(redButton)) {
trace("Start Timer");
blocksVisibility( this.redBlocks , true );
activeArray = blackBlocks;
//activeArray = blackBlocks;
/*if( activeArray == blackBlocks) {
activeArray = redBlocks;
activeArray = blackBlocks;
activeArray = blackBlocks;