I have done a simple ajax...
The request and response header both contain the Connection: Keep-Alive
I goggle a bit and saw that the client thus maintain a persistent connection with the server. This support pipelining, where client may send multiple request without waiting for each response.
So i have some questions:
- Where does the xmlhttprequest actually open a connection to the server?
- Does creating many xmlhttprequest object open their own connect or it send it on a same connection using pipelining...?
- I want to handle simultaneous request.. Can i queue the request(store parameters) ..and in the onreadystate provide function to handle it.. i.e. calling the function that make request recursively? or it's not a good idea at all?
- When is the connection closed..at what stage?
Other info: I don't want to use jquery or any other librarie for the ajax.You can propose though. i can check how they work. I'm using javascrip and php(codeigniter framework). I want to be able to handle multiple request(2)..and queue request that are made when the limit has been reached.
Thanks in advance :)