

通常、アダプタを使用して得られるパフォーマンスのためにListViewでこれを行いますが、画像を列に表示し、画像によって高さを変えて(画像のを参照)、この目的で単一のリストビューを使用することはできません。 。


  • 同期スクロールを使用した3つのListView=低速
  • 各行に3つの画像を含む単一のListView=異なる高さを許可しない
  • GridView=異なる高さを許可しない
  • GridLayout=プログラムでさまざまな高さを実装するのは困難です。アダプターがないため、OutOfMemoryErrorsが一般的です
  • FlowLayout =アダプターがないため、OutOfMemoryErrorsが一般的です
  • 3つのVerticalLinearLayoutsを使用したScrollView=これまでのところ最良の解決策ですが、OutOfMemoryErrorsが一般的です


編集 私は以下の応答のようにStaggeredGridViewを見てきましたが、かなりバグがあります。より安定したこれの実装はありますか?


6 に答える 6








// stag_layout.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<com.morganbelford.stackoverflowtest.pinterest.StagScrollView xmlns:a="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
 a:layout_height="match_parent" >

    a:background="@drawable/pinterest_bg" >


これが、レイアウトを使用するメインのアクティビティです。 ちょうど基本的に、onCreate使用するURL、各画像間のマージン、および列の数を示します。モジュール性を高めるために、これらのパラメーターをStagScrollViewに渡すこともできます(StagLayoutが含まれていますが、スクロールビューはとにかくレイアウトに渡す必要があります)。StagActivityStagLayout

// StagActivity.onCreate

StagLayout container = (StagLayout) findViewById(R.id.frame);

DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
float fScale = metrics.density;

String[] testUrls = new String[] { 

container.setUrls(testUrls, fScale * 10, 3); // pass in pixels for margin, rather than dips


// StagScrollView
StagLayout _frame;

protected void onFinishInflate() {

    _frame = (StagLayout) findViewById(R.id.frame);


protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
    super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
    if (oldh == 0)
        _frame.setVisibleArea(0, h);

protected void onScrollChanged(int l, int t, int oldl, int oldt) {
    super.onScrollChanged(l, t, oldl, oldt);
    _frame.setVisibleArea(t, t + getHeight());



public void setUrls(String[] urls, float pxMargin, int cCols)
    _pxMargin = pxMargin;
    _cCols = cCols;
    _cMaxCachedViews = 2 * cCols;
    _infos = new ArrayList<ImageInfo>(urls.length);  // should be urls.length

    for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)  // should be urls.length IRL, but this is a quick way to get more images, by using repeats
        final String sUrl = urls[i % urls.length]; // could just be urls[i] IRL
        _infos.add(new ImageInfo(sUrl, new OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {
                Log.d("StagLayout", String.format("Image clicked: url == %s", sUrl));

    _activeInfos = new HashSet<ImageInfo>(_infos.size());
    _cachedViews = new ArrayList<SmartImageView>(_cMaxCachedViews);

    requestLayout();  // perform initial layout




public class ImageInfo {

private String _sUrl;

// these rects are in float dips
private RectF _rLoaded;  // real size of the corresponding loaded SmartImageView
private RectF _rDefault; // lame default rect in case we don't have anything better to go on
private RectF _rLayout;  // rect that our parent tells us to use -- this corresponds to a real View's layout rect as specified when parent ViewGroup calls child.layout(l,t,r,b)

private SmartImageView _vw;

private View.OnClickListener _clickListener;

public ImageInfo(String sUrl, View.OnClickListener clickListener) {
    _rDefault = new RectF(0, 0, 100, 100);
    _sUrl = sUrl;
    _rLayout = new RectF();
    _clickListener = clickListener;

// Bounds will be called by the StagLayout when it is laying out views.
// We want to return the most accurate bounds we can.
public RectF bounds() {
    // if there is not yet a 'real' bounds (from a loaded SmartImageView), try to get one
    if (_rLoaded == null && _vw != null) {
        int h = _vw.getMeasuredHeight();
        int w = _vw.getMeasuredWidth();

        // if the SmartImageView thinks it knows how big it wants to be, then ok
        if (h > 0 && w > 0) {  
            _rLoaded = new RectF(0, 0, w, h);
    if (_rLoaded != null)
        return _rLoaded;

    // if we have not yet gotten a real bounds from the SmartImageView, just use this lame rect
    return _rDefault;

// Reuse our layout rect -- this gets called a lot
public void setLayoutBounds(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) {
    _rLayout.top = top;
    _rLayout.left = left;
    _rLayout.right = right;
    _rLayout.bottom = bottom;

public RectF layoutBounds() {
    return _rLayout;

public SmartImageView view() {
    return _vw;

// This is called during layout to attach or detach a real view
public void setView(SmartImageView vw) 
    if (vw == null && _vw != null)
        // if detaching, tell view it has no url, or handlers -- this prepares it for reuse or disposal 
        _vw.setImage(null, (SmartImageTask.OnCompleteListener)null);

    _vw = vw;

    if (_vw != null)
        // We are attaching a view (new or re-used), so tell it its url and attach handlers.
        // We need to set this OnCompleteListener so we know when to ask the SmartImageView how big it really is
        _vw.setImageUrl(_sUrl, R.drawable.default_image, new SmartImageTask.OnCompleteListener() {
            final private View vw = _vw;
            public void onComplete() {
                vw.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));
                int h = vw.getMeasuredHeight();
                int w = vw.getMeasuredWidth();
                _rLoaded = new RectF(0, 0, w, h);
                Log.d("ImageInfo", String.format("Settings loaded size onComplete %d x %d for %s", w, h, _sUrl));

// Simple way to answer the question, "based on where I have laid you out, are you visible"
public boolean overlaps(float top, float bottom) {
    if (_rLayout.bottom < top)
        return false;
    if (_rLayout.top > bottom)
        return false;

    return true;


残りの魔法はとで起こりStagLayout's onMeasureますonLayout

protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {

    int width = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);

    // Measure each real view that is currently realized. Initially there are none of these
    for (ImageInfo info : _activeInfos)
        View v = info.view();
        v.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED), MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));

    // This arranges all of the imageinfos every time, and sets _maxBottom
    setMeasuredDimension(width, (int)_maxBottom);

protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {

    // This figures out what real SmartImageViews we need, creates new ones, re-uses old ones, etc.  
    // After this call _activeInfos is correct -- the list of ImageInfos that are currently attached to real SmartImageViews

    for (ImageInfo info : _activeInfos)
        // Note: The layoutBounds of each info is actually computed in onMeasure
        RectF rBounds = info.layoutBounds();  
        // Tell the real view where it should be
        info.view().layout((int)rBounds.left, (int)rBounds.top, (int)rBounds.right, (int)rBounds.bottom);    



private void computeImageInfo(float width)
    float dxMargin = _pxMargin; 
    float dyMargin = _pxMargin;

    float left = 0;
    float tops[] = new float[_cCols];  // start at 0
    float widthCol = (int)((width - (_cCols + 1) * dxMargin) / _cCols);

    _maxBottom = 0;

    // layout the images -- set their layoutrect based on our current location and their bounds
    for (int i = 0; i < _infos.size(); i++)
        int iCol = i % _cCols;
        // new row
        if (iCol == 0)
           left = dxMargin;
           for (int j = 0; j < _cCols; j++)
               tops[j] += dyMargin;
        ImageInfo info = _infos.get(i); 
        RectF bounds = info.bounds();
        float scale = widthCol / bounds.width(); // up or down, for now, it does not matter
        float layoutHeight = bounds.height() * scale;
        float top = tops[iCol];
        float bottom = top + layoutHeight;
        info.setLayoutBounds(left, top, left + widthCol, bottom);

        if (bottom > _maxBottom)
            _maxBottom = bottom;
        left += widthCol + dxMargin;
        tops[iCol] += layoutHeight;

    // TODO Optimization: build indexes of tops and bottoms
    //  Exercise for reader

    _maxBottom += dyMargin;


private void setupSubviews()

    // We need to compute new set of active views

    // TODO Optimize enumeration using indexes of tops and bottoms

    // NeededInfos will be set of currently visible ImageInfos
    HashSet<ImageInfo> neededInfos = new HashSet<ImageInfo>(_infos.size());
    // NewInfos will be subset that are not currently assigned real views
    HashSet<ImageInfo> newInfos = new HashSet<ImageInfo>(_infos.size());
    for (ImageInfo info : _infos)
        if (info.overlaps(_viewportTop, _viewportBottom))
            if (info.view() == null)

    // So now we have the active ones. Lets get any we need to deactivate.    
    // Start with a copy of the _activeInfos from last time
    HashSet<ImageInfo> unneededInfos = new HashSet<ImageInfo>(_activeInfos); 

    // And remove all the ones we need now, leaving ones we don't need any more

    // Detach all the views from these guys, and possibly reuse them
    ArrayList<SmartImageView> unneededViews = new ArrayList<SmartImageView>(unneededInfos.size());
    for (ImageInfo info : unneededInfos)
        SmartImageView vw = info.view();
        info.setView(null); // at this point view is still a child of parent

    // So now we try to reuse the views, and create new ones if needed
    for (ImageInfo info : newInfos)
        SmartImageView vw = null;
        if (unneededViews.size() > 0)
            vw = unneededViews.remove(0); // grab one of these -- these are still children and so dont need to be added to parent
        else if (_cachedViews.size() > 0)
            vw = _cachedViews.remove(0);  // else grab a cached one and re-add to parent
            addViewInLayout(vw, -1, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
            vw = new SmartImageView(getContext()); // create a whole new one
            FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
            addViewInLayout(vw, -1, lp);  // and add to parent
        info.setView(vw);  // info should also set its data

    // At this point, detach any unneeded views and add to our cache, up to limit
    for (SmartImageView vw : unneededViews)
        // tell view to cancel
        removeViewInLayout(vw);  // always remove from parent
        if (_cachedViews.size() < _cMaxCachedViews)

    // Record the active ones for next time around
    _activeInfos = neededInfos;



// called on every scroll by parent StagScrollView
public void setVisibleArea(int top, int bottom) {

    _viewportTop = top;
    _viewportBottom = bottom;

    //fixup views
    if (getWidth() == 0) // if we have never been measured, dont do this - it will happen in first layout shortly
于 2013-01-08T19:47:24.980 に答える



于 2012-12-29T18:38:25.283 に答える
  1. レイアウトにリストビューを作成します。
  2. リストビューと同じ背景の別のレイアウトを作成します。背景レイアウトは、3つの画像ビュー(隣り合っている、つまり互いに右側)で、プロパティが水平方向にWrap_Contentに設定され、画像ビューがWrap_Contentに配置されているViewsプロパティ全体が設定されています。 。
  3. listviewアダプタのgetview()メソッドでレイアウトを膨らませます。これでは、膨らんだレイアウトの画像ビューに3セットの画像を設定する必要があります。


于 2013-01-05T08:07:35.123 に答える



于 2013-01-08T10:37:22.030 に答える





于 2013-01-08T05:47:44.350 に答える



于 2013-01-08T16:02:05.913 に答える