

UserDefaults(以前は)行くべきですか、それともすぐNSUserDefaultsに始めるべきですか?Core Data


2 に答える 2


Should I go for User Defaults or start with Core Data right away?

There are more possibilities here: you can also use plain files or plists, or use sqlite without Core Data. The answer depends on the number of items that you plan to store:

  • If you plan to store 1 to 20 items, user defaults would work fine
  • If you plan to store 20 to 200 items, plain files or plists would work
  • If you plan to store 200+ items, go for Core Data or sqlite, depending on your level of comfort with one of these technologies.
于 2013-01-01T02:53:55.250 に答える

記事のお気に入りは通常 100K アイテムではないNSDictionaryため、アイテムに使用しNSMutableArrayて に保存し、ファイルに保存します。使い方は簡単で、お気に入りをファイルにエクスポートしたりiCloud、デバイス間で共有したりすることもできます。

NSMutableDictionary *item = [[ NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
[item setObject:@"www.google.com" forKey:@"url"];
[item setObject:@"Google" forKey:@"title"];

//Add each item to the Favourites array
//You should declare this outside of the "addToFavourites" function.
NSMutableArray *Favourites = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects: nil];
[Favourites addObject:item];

//Save the Favourites NSMutableArray to the file.
if([Favourites writeToFile:path atomically:NO]) 
   NSLog(@"Favourites are saved!");
于 2013-01-01T03:03:12.173 に答える