3 に答える
Just create a query method in your repository interface for this.
Take a look in the docs, here.
Add a query method with paging and where clause.
Page<User> findByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);
So you can find User by a property "lastname" and configure Paging settings.
To fetch Spring Data JPA apply sorting, pagination along with a where clause check bellow codes
Entity class
@Entity @Table(name = "users") Public Class User{ private String name; private Integer id; private String email; // add required setter getter// }
Repository class
@Repository("userRepository") @Transactional` public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Integer>{ }
Service layer to pass where clause using Example object and Pagination+Sorting together using Pagable and Sort Class. We will implement Pageable in controller to inject Sorting logic then will pass that Pagable object to service Layer.
@Service Public class UserService{ public Page<User> getUserListPaginated(`EXAMPLE<User>` searchTerm, Pageable pageable) { return userRepo.findAll(searchTerm,pageable); } }
does not take the attribute if its value is null.
for that I used Integer id in Entity class as I can set it's value null for first call
Now Controller Class
@Controller Public class UserController{ @Autowired UserService userService; @GetMapping("/users") public String users(Model model,@RequestParam(value="page",defaultValue = "0") Integer pageNumber, @SortDefault(sort = "name", direction = Sort.Direction.ASC) Sort sort){ Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(pageNumber,10, sort); Example<User> searchTerm = Example.of(new User()); Page<User> userList = userService.getUserListPaginated(searchTerm, pageable); } }