I have the following to code and I use SML/NJ:
signature STACK=
type 'a Stack
val empty :'a Stack
val isEmpty : 'a Stack -> bool
val cons : 'a*'a Stack -> 'a Stack
val head : 'a Stack ->'a
val tail : 'a Stack -> 'a Stack
val ++ : 'a Stack * 'a Stack -> 'a Stack
structure List : STACK =
infix 9 ++
type 'a Stack = 'a list
val empty = []
fun isEmpty s = null s
fun cons (x,s) = x::s
fun head s = hd s
fun tail s = tl s
fun xs ++ ys = if isEmpty xs then ys else cons(head xs, tail xs ++ ys)
I want to use the ++ operator from the interpreter but when I write s1 List.++ s2 where s1 and s2 stack types I get the message that operator is not a function.