in my application written for Windows 8 I authenticate via Facebook. I would like to do so that you do not have to entering your credentials every time. I was able to write to a file user's access token, but I can not check if it is still active. I need something like this - if (_fb.TryLoginWithStoredToken (storedToken)) {.... }.
If it returns false then throw the normal Facebook login window, ie are:
loginUrl var = _fb.GetLoginUrl (new
client_id = _facebookAppId,
redirect_uri = redirectUrl,
scope = _permissions,
display = "popup"
response_type = "token"
endUri var = new Uri (redirectUrl);
WebAuthenticationResult await WebAuthenticationBroker.AuthenticateAsync WebAuthenticationResult = (
if (WebAuthenticationResult.ResponseStatus == WebAuthenticationStatus.Success)
callbackUri var = new Uri (WebAuthenticationResult.ResponseData.ToString ());
_fb.ParseOAuthCallbackUrl facebookOAuthResult = var (callbackUri);
accessToken var = facebookOAuthResult.AccessToken;
I hope this is possible, if not, maybe you have a better idea how to get this effect;)