State Monad に関連する本に示されている例の正しい実装は次のとおりです。
-- MonadicStack.hs (Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!)
import Control.Monad.State
type Stack = [Int]
pop :: State Stack Int
-- The following line was wrong in the book:
-- pop = State $ \(x:xs) -> (x,xs)
pop = do
x:xs <- get
put xs
return x
push :: Int -> State Stack ()
-- The following line was wrong in the book:
-- push a = State $ \xs -> ((),a:xs)
push a = do
xs <- get
put (a:xs)
return ()
pop1 = runState pop [1..5]
push1 = runState (push 1) [2..5]
stackManip :: State Stack Int
stackManip = do
push 3
a <- pop
stackManip1 = runState stackManip [5,8,2,1]
stackManip2 = runState stackManip [1,2,3,4]
stackStuff :: State Stack ()
stackStuff = do
a <- pop
if a == 5
then push 5
else do
push 3
push 8
stackStuff1 = runState stackStuff [9,0,2,1,0]
stackStuff2 = runState stackStuff [5,4,3,2,1]
moreStack :: State Stack ()
moreStack = do
a <- stackManip
if a == 100
then stackStuff
else return ()
moreStack1 = runState moreStack [100,9,0,2,1,0]
moreStack2 = runState moreStack [9,0,2,1,0]
stackyStack :: State Stack ()
stackyStack = do
stackNow <- get
if stackNow == [1,2,3]
then put [8,3,1]
else put [9,2,1]
stackyStack1 = runState stackyStack [1,2,3]
stackyStack2 = runState stackyStack [10,20,30,40]
-- MonadicRandomGenerator.hs (Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!)
import System.Random
import Control.Monad.State
randomSt :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => State g a
-- The following line was wrong in the book:
-- randomSt = State random
randomSt = do
gen <- get
let (value,nextGen) = random gen
put nextGen
return value
randomSt1 = (runState randomSt (mkStdGen 1)) :: (Int,StdGen)
randomSt2 = (runState randomSt (mkStdGen 2)) :: (Float,StdGen)
threeCoins :: State StdGen (Bool,Bool,Bool)
threeCoins = do
a <- randomSt
b <- randomSt
c <- randomSt
return (a,b,c)
threeCoins1 = runState threeCoins (mkStdGen 33)
threeCoins2 = runState threeCoins (mkStdGen 2)
-- rollDie and rollNDice are not explained in the book LYAHFGG.
-- But these functions are interesting and complementary:
rollDie :: State StdGen Int
rollDie = do
generator <- get
let (value, newGenerator) = randomR (1,6) generator
put newGenerator
return value
rollDie1 = runState rollDie (mkStdGen 1)
rollDie2 = runState rollDie (mkStdGen 2)
rollNDice :: Int -> State StdGen [Int]
rollNDice 0 = do
return []
rollNDice n = do
value <- rollDie
list <- rollNDice (n-1)
return (value:list)
rollNDice1 = runState (rollNDice 10) (mkStdGen 1)
rollNDice2 = runState (rollNDice 20) (mkStdGen 2)