
2 5 1 2
9 2 5 3
3 3 1 1
4 8 2 7


[2] 5  1  2
 9  2  5  3
[3] 3  1 [1]
 4  8  2 [7]


[2] 5 [1][2]
 9  2  5  3
 3  3  1 [1]
 4  8  2 [7]



5 4      // height and width
2 5 2 2  //
2 2 7 3  // the
3 1 2 2  // grid
4 8 2 7  //
1 1 1 1  //


私はこれを熟考しましたが、入力されたグリッドを単純化して重み付けされていない(または負の重みの)グラフにし、その上でdijkstraやA *(またはそれらの線に沿ったもの)のようなものを実行するよりも良い解決策を見つけることはできません。さて...これは私が迷子になる部分です。私は最初に何かを実装しました(またはすぐにスラッシュに投げるために何かを実装しました)。dijkstraやA*などとは何の関係もありません。単純な幅優先探索。


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

struct Point;

typedef std::vector<int> vector_1D;
typedef std::vector< std::vector<int> > vector_2D;
typedef std::vector<Point> vector_point;

struct Point {
    int y, x;
    vector_point Parents;
    Point(int yPos = 0, int xPos = 0) : y(yPos), x(xPos) { }

    void operator << (const Point& point) { this->Parents.push_back(point); }

struct grid_t {
    int height, width;
    vector_2D tiles;

    grid_t() // construct the grid
        std::cin >> height >> width; // input grid height & width

        tiles.resize(height, vector_1D(width, 0)); // initialize grid tiles

        for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)     //
            for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)  // input each tile one at a time
                std::cin >> tiles[i][j];    // by looping through the grid

void go_find_it(grid_t &grid)
    vector_point openList, closedList;
    Point previous_node; // the point is initialized as (y = 0, x = 0) if not told otherwise
    openList.push_back(previous_node); // (0, 0) is the first point we want to consult, of course

        closedList.push_back(openList.back()); // the tile we are at is good and checked. mark it so.
        openList.pop_back(); // we don't need this guy no more

        int y = closedList.back().y; // now we'll actually
        int x = closedList.back().x; // move to the new point

        int jump = grid.tiles[y][x]; // 'jump' is the number shown on the tile we're standing on.

        if(y + jump < grid.height) // if we're not going out of bounds
            openList.push_back(Point(y+jump, x)); // 
            openList.back() << Point(y, x); // push in the point we're at right now, since it's the parent node
        if(x + jump < grid.width) // if we're not going out of bounds
            openList.push_back(Point(y, x+jump)); // push in the new promising point
            openList.back() << Point(y, x); // push in the point we're at right now, since it's the parent node
    while(openList.size() > 0); // when there are no new tiles to check, break out and return

int main()
    grid_t grid; // initialize grid

    go_find_it(grid); // basically a brute-force get-it-all-algorithm

    return 0;




#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

struct Point;

typedef std::vector<int> vector_1D;
typedef std::vector< std::vector<int> > vector_2D;
typedef std::vector<Point> vector_point;

struct Point {
    int y, x, depth;
    vector_point Parents;
    Point(int yPos = 0, int xPos = 0, int dDepth = 0) : y(yPos), x(xPos), depth(dDepth) { }

    void operator << (const Point& point) { this->Parents.push_back(point); }

struct grid_t {
    int height, width;
    vector_2D tiles;

    grid_t() // construct the grid
        std::cin >> height >> width; // input grid height & width

        tiles.resize(height, vector_1D(width, 0)); // initialize grid tiles

        for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)     //
            for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)  // input each tile one at a time
                std::cin >> tiles[i][j];    // by looping through the grid

int go_find_it(grid_t &grid)
    vector_point openList, closedList;
    Point previous_node(0, 0, 0); // the point is initialized as (y = 0, x = 0, depth = 0) if not told otherwise
    openList.push_back(previous_node); // (0, 0) is the first point we want to consult, of course

    int min_path = 1000000;

        closedList.push_back(openList[0]); // the tile we are at is good and checked. mark it so.
        openList.erase(openList.begin()); // we don't need this guy no more

        int y = closedList.back().y; // now we'll actually move to the new point
        int x = closedList.back().x; //
        int depth = closedList.back().depth; // the new depth

        if(y == grid.height-1 && x == grid.width-1) return depth; // the first path is the shortest one. return it

        int jump = grid.tiles[y][x]; // 'jump' is the number shown on the tile we're standing on.

        if(y + jump < grid.height) // if we're not going out of bounds
            openList.push_back(Point(y+jump, x, depth+1)); // 
            openList.back() << Point(y, x); // push in the point we're at right now, since it's the parent node
        if(x + jump < grid.width) // if we're not going out of bounds
            openList.push_back(Point(y, x+jump, depth+1)); // push in the new promising point
            openList.back() << Point(y, x); // push in the point we're at right now, since it's the parent node
    while(openList.size() > 0); // when there are no new tiles to check, break out and return false

    return 0;

int main()
    grid_t grid; // initialize grid

    int min_path = go_find_it(grid); // basically a brute-force get-it-all-algorithm

    std::cout << min_path << std::endl;
    return 0;




#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

struct grid_t {
    int height, width;
    std::vector< std::vector<int> > tiles;
    std::vector< std::vector<int> > distance;

    grid_t() // construct the grid
        std::cin >> height >> width; // input grid height & width

        tiles.resize(height, std::vector<int>(width, 0)); // initialize grid tiles
        distance.resize(height, std::vector<int>(width, 1000000)); // initialize grid tiles

        for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)     //
            for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)  // input each tile one at a time
                std::cin >> tiles[i][j];    // by looping through the grid

int main()
    grid_t grid; // initialize grid

    grid.distance[0][0] = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < grid.height; i++) {
        for(int j = 0; j < grid.width; j++) {
            if(grid.distance[i][j] < 1000000) {
                int d = grid.tiles[i][j];
                if (i + d < grid.height) {
                    grid.distance[i+d][j] = std::min(grid.distance[i][j] + 1, grid.distance[i+d][j]);
                if (j + d < grid.width) {
                    grid.distance[i][j+d] = std::min(grid.distance[i][j] + 1, grid.distance[i][j+d]);
    if(grid.distance[grid.height-1][grid.width-1] == 1000000) grid.distance[grid.height-1][grid.width-1] = 0;
    std::cout << grid.distance[grid.height-1][grid.width-1] << std::endl;
    return 0;

4 に答える 4




queue = [{ x: 0, y: 0, path: [] }] # seed queue with starting point
p = nil
  raise NoSolutionException if p.empty? # solution space exhausted
  p = queue.pop # get next state from the back of the queue
  break if p.x == MAX_X - 1 && p.y == MAX_Y - 1 # we found final state
  l = grid[p.x][p.y] # leap length

  # add right state to the front of the queue
  queue.unshift({x: p.x + l, y: p.y, path: p.path + [p] }) if p.x + l <= MAX_X

  # add down state to the front of the queue
  queue.unshift({x: p.x, y: p.y + l, path: p.path + [p] }) if p.y + l <= MAX_Y
puts p.path


于 2013-01-04T13:45:32.793 に答える


距離行列D[i、j]を開始時に+ infに設定でき、D [0,0] = 0です。行列をトラバースしている間は、次のようにします。

if (D[i,j] < +inf) {
  int d = a[i, j];
  if (i + d < M) {
    D[i + d, j] = min(D[i,j] + 1, D[i + d, j]);
  if (j + d < N) {
    D[i, j + d] = min(D[i,j] + 1, D[i, j + d]);


于 2013-01-04T17:15:14.933 に答える


  1. NxM個の頂点があります。以下では、頂点vはグリッドの正方形に対応しvます。
  2. 1回の移動でグリッドの正方形から正方形にジャンプできる場合は、頂点uから正方形への円弧があります。vuv



于 2013-01-04T13:53:46.473 に答える


そうは言っても、パフォーマンス要件は、同じシステムと入力を使用している場合にのみ意味があり、それでもいくつかの注意点があります。Big O表記は、パフォーマンスを分析するためのはるかに優れた方法です。さらに、アルゴリズムを示し、プロファイリングの必要性を排除することができます。

于 2013-01-04T13:50:22.707 に答える