int x = strtol("12345", NULL, 10); // convert from base 10 string to integer
int y = strtol("12345", NULL, 12); // convert from base 12 string to integer
sprintf(buf, "%d", y); // convert from integer to base 10 string
void reverse(char *s) // reverse a string in place
char *e = s + strlen(s) - 1; // find the end of the string
char tmp;
while (s < e) // loop to swap characters and move pointers
{ // towards the middle of the string
tmp = *e;
*e-- = *s;
*s++ = tmp;
char digit(int x) // turn an integer into a single digit
if (x < 10)
return '0' + x; // 0-9
return 'a' + x - 10; // a, b, c, d, e, f, g....
void tobase(char *s, int x, int base) // convert an integer into a string in
{ // the given base
int r;
char *p = s;
while (x)
r = x % base; // extract current digit
x = x / base; // divide to get lined up for next digit
*p++ = digit(r); // convert current digit to character
*p = '\0'; // null terminate the string
reverse(s); // and reverse it, since we generated the digits
} // backwards
tobase(buf, x, 12); // convert from integer to base 12 string