投票スクリプトを変更しようとしています (Thumbsup) サブ配列に 'cat' => '1' を持つ配列アイテムのみを返すには、このクエリが必要です (適切な用語?)

<?php $items = ThumbsUp::items()->get() ?>


array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'id' => 1,
    'name' => 'a',
    'cat' => '1',
  1 => 
  array (
    'id' => 2,
    'name' => 'b',
    'cat' => '2',
  2 => 
  array (
    'id' => 3,
    'name' => 'c',
    'cat' => '2',



編集: ここに関数 get()

public function get()
    // Start building the query
    $sql  = 'SELECT id, name, url, cat, closed, date, votes_up, votes_down, ';
    $sql .= 'votes_up - votes_down AS votes_balance, ';
    $sql .= 'votes_up + votes_down AS votes_total, ';
    $sql .= 'votes_up / (votes_up + votes_down) * 100 AS votes_pct_up, ';
    $sql .= 'votes_down / (votes_up + votes_down) * 100 AS votes_pct_down ';
    $sql .= 'FROM '.ThumbsUp::config('database_table_prefix').'items ';

    // Select only either open or closed items
    if ($this->closed !== NULL)
        $where[] = 'closed = '.(int) $this->closed;

    // Select only either open or closed items
    if ($this->name !== NULL)
        // Note: substr() is used to chop off the wrapping quotes
        $where[] = 'name LIKE "%'.substr(ThumbsUp::db()->quote($this->name), 1, -1).'%"';

    // Append all query conditions if any
    if ( ! empty($where))
        $sql .= ' WHERE '.implode(' AND ', $where);

    // We need to order the results
    if ($this->orderby)
        $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$this->orderby;
        // Default order
        $sql .= ' ORDER BY name ';
    // A limit has been set
    if ($this->limit)
        $sql .= ' LIMIT '.(int) $this->limit;

    // Wrap this in an try/catch block just in case something goes wrong
        // Execute the query
        $sth = ThumbsUp::db()->prepare($sql);
    catch (PDOException $e)
        // Rethrow the exception in debug mode
        if (ThumbsUp::config('debug'))
            throw $e;

        // Otherwise, fail silently and just return an empty item array
        return array();

    // Initialize the items array that will be returned
    $items = array();

    // Fetch all results
    while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ))
        // Return an item_id => item_name array
        $items[] = array(
            'id' => (int) $row->id,
            'name' => $row->name,
            'url' => $row->url,
            'cat' => $row->cat,
            'closed' => (bool) $row->closed,
            'date' => (int) $row->date,
            'votes_up' => (int) $row->votes_up,
            'votes_down' => (int) $row->votes_down,
            'votes_pct_up' => (float) $row->votes_pct_up,
            'votes_pct_down' => (float) $row->votes_pct_down,
            'votes_balance' => (int) $row->votes_balance,
            'votes_total' => (int) $row->votes_total,

    return $items;



1 に答える 1



public function get($cat = null)
    $where = array();
    if ($cat !== null) {
        $where[] = 'cat = '. (int) $cat;

    // ... original code ...


$items = ThumbsUp::items()->get(1);
于 2013-01-05T00:35:42.213 に答える