I'm new to jQuery. Following is the data
variable that contains a json dictionary.
"translist": [
{ "trans1":"something","trans2":"something2" }
and my jQuery method receives a json/Javascript object
from the Rest GET
success: function (data){
for(x in data) {
console.log(x + ': ' + data[x]);
Is there any library that can help to parse/walk through this json object and get to some kind of objects list? I want to check some of the keys and their respective values. Problem is I don't need all the keys and values from the list and also some of the values can be null, which prevented me to apply some solutions I found using SO.
Or usually is it more common to directly start printing the HTML inside the success function?
EDIT:If it was java for example it would be a Map and I would use an iterator to walk through and see/analyse the map values, and create some array list with the values I want from it. What's equivalent of that in jQuery?