import java.util.Scanner;
// This program reads a temp and prints its current state
public class P03_01_2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
// get temp
System.out.print("Enter a temperature: ");
if (in.hasNextDouble()) {
double temp = in.nextDouble();
// determine temp type and determine state
System.out.print("Enter C for Celcius or F for Fahrenheit: ");
String type = in.nextLine();
if (type.equals("c") || type.equals("C")) {
if (temp <= 0) {
String state = "frozen";
} else if (temp >= 100) {
String state = "gaseous";
} else {
String state = "water";
if (type.equals("f") || type.equals("F")) {
if (temp <= 32) {
String state = "frozen";
} else if (temp >= 212) {
String state = "gaseous";
} else {
String state = "water";
} else if ((!type.equals("c") || !type.equals("C") || !type.equals("f") || !type.equals("F"))) {
System.out.print("Not valid input.");
} else {
System.out.println("Not valid input.");
System.out.println("The state of the water is " + state);