I am trying to generate a drop-down list with values from a MySQL table using Laravel. The table is simple, two columns - id
and category
The following will retrieve all of the records (categories) but returns an object rather than an array, which is what I need for the drop-down code -
$categories = Category::all();
The code for the drop-down is:
{{ Form::select('category', $categories, $post->category_id) }}
bgallagh3r suggested using a foreach loop to convert each category to an array. Their code got me close but generated a bunch of funky nested optgroup
tags. I was able to get it down to just one optgroup
but that is one too many..
$categories = Category::all();
foreach ($categories as $cat)
$category = $cat->to_array();
$id = $category['id'];
$value = $category['category'];
$cats[] = array($id => $value);
And then, in the form:
{{ Form::select('categories', $categories)}}
I end up with this HTML:
<select name="categories">
<optgroup label="0">
<option value="1">Department News</option>
<optgroup label="1">
<option value="2">General</option>