私はC++クラスをC#に変換しようとしていますが、その過程でC++の何かを学びます。私はこれまでvector<>に遭遇したことがなく、これはC#のList<>関数のようなものだと理解しています。クラスの変換中に、List futures_price = New List(Convert.ToInt32(no_steps)+ 1);を使用してコードを書き直しました。コードを実行するとすぐに、「インデックスが範囲外でした」というエラーが発生します。
特に、これはエラーをトリガーしている行です。futures_prices [0] = spot_price * Math.Pow(d、no_steps);
public double futures_option_price_call_american_binomial(double spot_price, double option_strike, double r, double sigma, double time, double no_steps)
//double spot_price, // price futures contract
//double option_strike, // exercise price
//double r, // interest rate
//double sigma, // volatility
//double time, // time to maturity
//int no_steps
List<double> futures_prices = new List<double>(Convert.ToInt32(no_steps) + 1);
//double call_values = (no_steps+1);
List<double> call_values = new List<double>(Convert.ToInt32(no_steps) + 1);
double t_delta = time/no_steps;
double Rinv = Math.Exp(-r*(t_delta));
double u = Math.Exp(sigma * Math.Sqrt(t_delta));
double d = 1.0/u;
double uu= u*u;
double pUp = (1-d)/(u-d); // note how probability is calculated
double pDown = 1.0 - pUp;
futures_prices[0] = spot_price * Math.Pow(d, no_steps);
int i;
for (i=1; i<=no_steps; ++i) futures_prices[i] = uu*futures_prices[i-1]; // terminal tree nodes
for (i=0; i<=no_steps; ++i) call_values[i] = Math.Max(0.0, (futures_prices[i]-option_strike));
for (int step = Convert.ToInt32(no_steps) - 1; step >= 0; --step)
for (i = 0; i <= step; ++i)
futures_prices[i] = d * futures_prices[i + 1];
call_values[i] = (pDown * call_values[i] + pUp * call_values[i + 1]) * Rinv;
call_values[i] = Math.Max(call_values[i], futures_prices[i] - option_strike); // check for exercise
return call_values[0];
double futures_option_price_call_american_binomial(const double& F, // price futures contract
const double& K, // exercise price
const double& r, // interest rate
const double& sigma, // volatility
const double& time, // time to maturity
const int& no_steps) { // number of steps
vector<double> futures_prices(no_steps+1);
vector<double> call_values (no_steps+1);
double t_delta= time/no_steps;
double Rinv = exp(-r*(t_delta));
double u = exp(sigma*sqrt(t_delta));
double d = 1.0/u;
double uu= u*u;
double pUp = (1-d)/(u-d); // note how probability is calculated
double pDown = 1.0 - pUp;
futures_prices[0] = F*pow(d, no_steps);
int i;
for (i=1; i<=no_steps; ++i) futures_prices[i] = uu*futures_prices[i-1]; // terminal tree nodes
for (i=0; i<=no_steps; ++i) call_values[i] = max(0.0, (futures_prices[i]-K));
for (int step=no_steps-1; step>=0; --step) {
for (i=0; i<=step; ++i) {
futures_prices[i] = d*futures_prices[i+1];
call_values[i] = (pDown*call_values[i]+pUp*call_values[i+1])*Rinv;
call_values[i] = max(call_values[i], futures_prices[i]-K); // check for exercise
return call_values[0];