if ($_POST['firstname'] != "" && $_POST['lastname'] != "" && $_POST['email'] != "" && $_POST['position'] != "" && $_POST['building'] != "") {
$iserid = htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE['userid']);
$fname_input = htmlspecialchars($_POST['firstname']);
$lname_input = htmlspecialchars($_POST['lastname']);
$fullname_input = htmlspecialchars($_POST['firstname']) . " " . htmlspecialchars($_POST['lastname']);
$email_input = htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']);
$position_input = htmlspecialchars($_POST['position']);
$building_input = 1;
$update = $connection->prepare("UPDATE user SET first = ?, last = ?, full = ?, email = ?, position = ?, building = ? WHERE id = ?") or trigger_error($connection->error);
$update->bind_param("ssssssi",$fname_input, $lname_input, $fullname_input, $email_input, $position_input, $building_input, $userid);
if ($update->execute) {
echo "success";
} else {
echo "fail";
} else {
$error = "One or more of your fields was left blank. Please press back on you browser toolbar and try again or click here to close this message.";