
    $hourAmount = $mlYeild * (3600 / $cycleTime);
    $oreVolumePriceQuery = "SELECT od.oreID, od.inGameID, od.size, ir.officialCorpRate FROM oreData od JOIN itemRates ir ON od.inGameID = ir.typeID order by od.oreID asc";
    $oreVolumePriceResult = mysql_query($oreVolumePriceQuery);
$hourYeild = $mlYeild * (3600 / $cycleTime);
        <TD><h1>Hourly Yeild</h1></TD>
        <TD><h1>Hourly Sale</h1></TD>
        $ores = array();
        While($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($oreVolumePriceResult)){
            $inGameID = $row['inGameID'];
            $volume = $row['size'];
            $rate = $row['officialCorpRate'];
            $name = $row['name'];
            $hourlyYeild = $hourAmount/$volume;
            $hourlyIncome = $hourlyYeild * $rate;

            echo "<TR>";
            echo "<TD>".$name."</TD>";
            echo "<TD>".$hourlyYeild."</TD>";
            echo "<TD>".$hourlyIncome."</TD>";
            echo "</TR>";

要するに、入ってくるデータから、$hourlyIncome desc


2 に答える 2

  1. First store your computations back into the $row (it looked like $hourAmount was missing--I assumed that this was $rate, hope I got it right):

    $inGameID = $row['inGameID'];
    $volume = $row['size'];
    $rate = $row['officialCorpRate'];
    $name = $row['name'];
    $hourlyYield = $row['hourlyYield'] = $rate /$volume;
    $hourlyIncome = $row['hourlyIncome '] = $hourlyYield * $rate;

  2. Append the $row to a $rows array: $rows[] = $row;

  3. When you have all the $rows, use a custom comparison function to sort the $rows array.

    User-defined comparison:

    function cmp($a, $b)  
        if ($a['hourlyIncome'] == $b['hourlyIncome']) {  
            return 0;  
        return ($a['hourlyIncome'] < $b['hourlyIncome']) ? 1 : -1;  
  4. Sort $rows via usort($rows, $comp);

  5. Do a standard loop over $rows to display.

Note: Still seems to me like all of these calculations could have been done on the SQL side.

于 2013-01-11T00:10:07.203 に答える

Well, I don't know if it's the most efficient way but you can store the calculated data in an array and then sort it.

于 2013-01-11T00:11:06.340 に答える