10015, John, Smith, 2, 3.01
10208, Patrick, Green, 1, 3.95
10334, Jane, Roberts, 4, 3.81
def fetchRecord( self ):
#Read the first line of the record.
line = self._inputFile.readline()
line = input.split( ', ' )
if line == "":
return None
#If there is another record, create a storage object and fill it
student = StudentRecord()
student.idNum = int( line[0] )
student.firstName = line[1]
student.lastName = line[2]
student.classCode = int( line[3] )
student.gpa = float( line[4] )
return student
builtins.ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '10015, John, Smith, 2, 3.01\n'
class StudentFileReader:
#Create new student reader instance.
def __init__( self, inputSrc ):
self._inputSrc = inputSrc
self._inputFile = None
#Open a connection to the input file.
def open( self ):
self._inputFile = open( self._inputSrc, "r" )
#Close the connection to the input file.
def close( self ):
self._inputFile = None
#Extract all student records and store them in a list.
def fetchAll( self ):
theRecords = list()
student = self.fetchRecord()
while student != None:
theRecords.append( student )
student = self.fetchRecord()
return theRecords
#Extract the next stuent record from the file.
def fetchRecord( self ):
#Read the first line of the record.
line = self._inputFile.readline()
print ( line )
line = line.split( ',' )
print ( line )
if line == "":
return None
#If there is another record, create a storage object and fill it
student = StudentRecord()
student.idNum = int( line[0] )
student.firstName = line[1]
student.lastName = line[2]
student.classCode = int( line[3] )
student.gpa = float( line[4] )
return student
class StudentScreenWriter:
#Prints the student report to screen.
def printReport( theList ):
#The class names associated with the class codes.
classNames = ( None, "Freshman", "Sophomore", "Junior", "Senior" )
#Print the header.
print( "LIST OF STUDNETS".center(50) )
print( "" )
print( "%-5s %-25s %-10s %-4s" % ('ID', 'NAME', 'CLASS', 'GPA' ) )
print( "%5s %25s %10s %4s" % ('-' * 5, '-' * 25, '-' * 10, '-' * 4) )
#Print the body.
for record in theList:
print( "%5d %-25s %-10s %4.2f" % (record.idNum, record.lastName + ", " + record.firstName, classNames[record.classCode], record.gpa) )
#Add a footer.
print( "-" * 50 )
print( "Number of students:", len(theList) )
class StudentFileWriter:
#Prints the student report to file.
def printReport( theList, out ):
for record in theList
record.idNum = str(record.idNum)
record.lastName = str(record.lastName)
record.firstName = str(record.firstName)
record.classCode = str(record.classCode)
record.gpa = str(record.gpa)
out.write( record.idNum + ", " + record.lastName + ", " + record.firstName + ", " + record.classCode + ", " + record.gpa )
out.write( "\n" )
class StudentRecord:
def __init__( self ):
self.idNum = None
self.firstName = None
self.lastName = None
self.classCode = None
self.gpa = None