Objective-CのUbutuOneAPIを使用するPythonライブラリを作成しようとしています。これが私のソースコードです: https ://github.com/JoseExposito/U1-Finder-Plugin/blob/master/U1FinderLib/U1FinderLib.py
APIを何度も呼び出す必要があります。このため、Ubuntu Oneのドキュメントの例のように、リアクターを実行して停止するのではなく、一度実行する必要があります: https ://one.ubuntu.com/developer / files / store_files / syncdaemontool
#!/usr/bin/env python
import objc
import thread
import os
import time
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from ubuntuone.platform.tools import (SyncDaemonTool, is_already_running)
from threading import Thread
NSObject = objc.lookUpClass('NSObject')
# Variable to get the result of the calls to the Sync Daemon.
# The result is a JSON string stored in returned_value[0].
returned_value = ['']
# Objective-C facade to the methods of the U1FinderLib.
class U1FinderLib(NSObject):
def init(self):
self = super(U1FinderLib, self).init()
self.sync_daemon_tool = SyncDaemonTool(None)
Thread(target=reactor.run, args=(False,)).start()
return self
def volumeList(self):
print "Begin volumeList"
reactor.callLater(0, run_command, "volume_list", [], self.sync_daemon_tool)
print "End volumeList"
return returned_value[0]
# Auxiliar functions to call to the sync daemon.
def run_command(action, params, sync_daemon_tool):
print "run_command"
running = yield is_already_running()
print "After is_already_running"
if not running:
returned_value[0] = '{ type:"error" reason:"Sync Daemon is not running" }'
print "Before run_action"
yield run_action(action, params, sync_daemon_tool)
print "After run_action"
except Exception, e:
returned_value[0] = '{ type:"error" reason:"Exception: %s" }' % e
def run_action(action, params, sync_daemon_tool):
if action == "volume_list":
d = sync_daemon_tool.get_folders()
returned_value[0] = yield d.addCallback(lambda r: volume_list(r))
# Volume List
def volume_list(folders):
volumes_json = '{ type:"volume_list" volumes: { \n\t{ volume:"' + os.path.expanduser('~/Ubuntu One') + '" subscribed:"YES" }'
for folder in folders:
volumes_json += ',\n\t{ volume:"' + folder['path'] + '" subscribed:"' + ('YES' if bool(folder['subscribed']) else 'NO') + '" }'
volumes_json += '\n} }'
return volumes_json
if __name__ == '__main__':
py = U1FinderLib.alloc().init()
print py.volumeList()
print "EXIT"
Begin volumeList
End volumeList