//Get the inverse of the orientation, which should represent the orientation
//"from" the focal point to the camera
Quaternion InverseOrient = m_Orientation;
//Create change quaternions for each axis
Quaternion xOffset = Quaternion();
xOffset.FromAxisAngle(xChange * m_TurnSpeed, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Quaternion yOffset = Quaternion();
yOffset.FromAxisAngle(yChange * m_TurnSpeed, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
Quaternion zOffset = Quaternion();
zOffset.FromAxisAngle(zChange * m_TurnSpeed, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
//Multiply the change quats into the inversed orientation quat
InverseOrient = yOffset * zOffset * xOffset * InverseOrient;
//Translate according to the focal distance
//Start with a vector relative to the position being looked at
sf::Vector3<float> RelativePos(0, 0, -m_FocalDistance);
//Rotate according to the quaternion
RelativePos = InverseOrient.MultVect(RelativePos);
//Add that relative position to the focal point
m_Position.x = m_FocalPoint->x + RelativePos.x;
m_Position.y = m_FocalPoint->y + RelativePos.y;
m_Position.z = m_FocalPoint->z + RelativePos.z;
//Now set the orientation to the inverse of the quaternion
//used to position the camera
m_Orientation = InverseOrient;