それぞれ x 面を持つ n 個のサイコロが与えられた場合、考えられるすべてのドローを列挙しようとしています。たとえば、10 個の 3 面サイコロがあり、それらすべてが値 1 側にある場合:
10 00 00
事前に定義された面の数に対してのみ機能する発見的方法 (EnumerateDrawsH) と再帰的方法 (EnumerateDrawsR )任意の数の側面で機能します。今のところ、私のバージョンの R は H よりもパフォーマンスがはるかに劣っています。R では、書き込み中のドローのサイコロの総数を追跡する効率的な方法が必要です。これは sum パラメーターである必要がありますが、それは正しくありません。私が見つけた唯一の回避策は、再帰の各レベルで合計をやり直して、再帰を終了するためにテストされる drawSum ローカル変数に格納することです。sum パラメータで正しい値を取得する方法を知っている人はいますか?

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

static class EnumerateDicesDraws
  public static void Run()
    int nbDices = 10;
    Stopwatch watch;

    watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

    watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    EnumerateDicesDraws.EnumerateDrawsR(nbDices, 3);


  public static void EnumerateDrawsR(int nbDices, int nbSides)
    string filePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), string.Concat("Draws[R]", nbDices, ".txt"));
    int[] dices = new int[nbSides];
    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filePath, false))
      EnumerateDrawsR(0, 0, nbDices, dices, writer);
  private static void EnumerateDrawsR(int index, int sum, int nbDices, int[] dices, StreamWriter writer)
    int drawSum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < dices.Length; i++)
      drawSum += dices[i];
      if (drawSum == nbDices)
        for (int j = 0; j < dices.Length - 1; j++)
          writer.Write(string.Format("{0:D2} ", dices[j]));
        writer.Write(string.Format("{0:D2} ", dices[dices.Length - 1]));
        writer.Write(string.Format("{0:D3}", sum));
        for (; index < dices.Length; index++)
          dices[index] = 0;
    if (sum == nbDices)
        for (int j = 0; j < dices.Length; j++)
            writer.Write(string.Format("{0:D2} ", dices[j], j < dices.Length - 1 ? " " : null));
        for (; index < dices.Length; index++)
            dices[index] = 0;
    if (index < dices.Length)
      EnumerateDrawsR(index + 1, sum + dices[index], nbDices, dices, writer);
      EnumerateDrawsR(index, sum + ++dices[index], nbDices, dices, writer);
  public static void EnumerateDrawsH(int nbDices)
    StringBuilder draws = new StringBuilder();
    string format = "{0:D2} {1:D2} {2:D2}\r\n";
    int cumul = 0;
    int[] dices = new int[3];
    for (dices[0] = 0; dices[0] <= nbDices; dices[0]++)
      cumul = dices[0];
      if (cumul == nbDices)
        for (int i = 1; i < dices.Length; i++)
          dices[i] = 0;
        draws.AppendFormat(format, dices[0], dices[1], dices[2]);
      for (dices[1] = 0; dices[1] <= nbDices; dices[1]++)
        cumul = dices[0] + dices[1];
        if (cumul == nbDices)
          for (int i = 2; i < dices.Length; i++)
            dices[i] = 0;
          draws.AppendFormat(format, dices[0], dices[1], dices[2]);
        for (dices[2] = 0; dices[2] <= nbDices; dices[2]++)
          cumul = dices[0] + dices[1] + dices[2];
          if (cumul == nbDices)
            draws.AppendFormat(format, dices[0], dices[1], dices[2]);
    File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), string.Concat("Draws[H]", nbDices, ".txt")), draws.ToString());


彼女は nlucaroni によって提案された解決策であり、再帰の終了条件が修正されています。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;

static class Programm
  static void Main()
    var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    var outputFile = DiceRoll.Draws(nbDicesTotal: 10, nbValues: 6);


    Console.WriteLine("Output to :");


static class DiceRoll
  /// <summary>
  /// Writes all possible draws (or distributions) for a given number of dices having a given number of values
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="nbDicesTotal">Total number of dices rolled</param>
  /// <param name="nbValues">Number of different values of each dice</param>
  /// <returns>Output file path in system temporary folder</returns>
  public static string Draws(int nbDicesTotal, int nbValues)
    var filePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), string.Format("DiceDraws[{0}].txt", nbDicesTotal));
    var distribution = new int[nbValues];
    using (var writer = new StreamWriter(filePath, false))
      foreach (var draw in Draws(0, 0, nbDicesTotal, distribution))
        //Call to Select method adds huge cost of performance. Remove call to Select to compare.
        writer.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", draw.Select(x => x.ToString("D2"))));
    return filePath;

  /// <summary>
  /// Returns all possible draws (or distributions) for a given number of dices having a given number of values
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name="distributionIndex">We are incrementing the number of dices of this value</param>
  /// <param name="nbAddedDices">Number of  dices (up to nbDicesTotal) considered in the recursion. EXIT CONDITION OF THE RECURSION</param>
  /// <param name="nbDicesTotal">Total number of dices rolled</param>
  /// <param name="distribution">Distribution of dice values in a draw. Index is dice value. Value is the number of dices of value 'index'</param>
  /// <returns>All possible draws</returns>
  /// <remarks>Recursive methode. Should not be called directly, only from the other overload</remarks>
  static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<int>> Draws(int distributionIndex,
                                             int nbAddedDices,
                                             int nbDicesTotal,
                                             int[] distribution)
    // Uncomment for exactness check
    // System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(distribution.Sum() == nbAddedDices);

    if (nbAddedDices == nbDicesTotal)
      yield return distribution;

      nbAddedDices -= distribution.Length - distributionIndex;
      for (; distributionIndex < distribution.Length; distributionIndex++)
        distribution[distributionIndex] = 0;

    if (distributionIndex < distribution.Length)
      foreach (var draw in Draws(distributionIndex + 1, nbAddedDices, nbDicesTotal, distribution))
        yield return draw;


      foreach (var draw in Draws(distributionIndex, nbAddedDices + 1, nbDicesTotal, distribution))
        yield return draw;

1 に答える 1



たとえば、配列内のすべてのサイコロを最小値に開始します。たとえば、サイコロに から0までのラベルが付いているとし(x-1)ます。次に、 の配列から始めます0。これが最初で最小の値です。次に、 と等しくなるまで右端を増やすことができx-1ます。ここで、2 番目のサイコロを増やし、最初のサイコロをリセットして、次の手順に進みます。

The Art of Computer Programming Volume 4: Fascicle 3 には、特定の順序でそれらを列挙する必要がある場合、大量の情報があります。

于 2013-01-11T16:31:56.410 に答える