入力ソースの行ごとに、さまざまなエンティティ(ベンダー、ワーカーなど)に関する情報を抽出する必要があるアプリがあります。これが の定義だと思っていたのclassですが、今苦労しています。

class Vendor
    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Vendor(int vendorID)
        using (CPASEntities ctx = new CPASEntities())

            tblVendor v = (from vndr in ctx.tblVendors
                           where vndr.ID == vendorID
                           select vndr).FirstOrDefault();
            if (v == null)
                ID = 0;
                Name = null;
                ID = v.ID;
                Name = v.Vendor_Name;

メインプログラムと同じ名前空間にあります。次に、そのクラスをインスタンス化し、ベンダーにフィードしてID、2 つのプロパティを利用できるようにします(ブラック ボックスのようなものです...)。


vendor v= vendor(VendorID);


vendor v = new vendor(VendorID);



コード (初期段階...):

using CPAS_EM;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
using SpreadsheetGear;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ProcTimesheets
    public static class Vendor

    public int ID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

    public Vendor(int vendorID)
        using (CPASEntities ctx = new CPASEntities())

            tblVendor v = (from vndr in ctx.tblVendors
                           where vndr.ID == vendorID
                           select vndr).FirstOrDefault();
            if (v == null)
                ID = 0;
                Name = null;
                ID = v.ID;
                Name = v.Vendor_Name;
public static class Worker
static class LaborRate
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        XmlNodeList timesheets = TSList();
        foreach (XmlNode doc in timesheets)
            string link = @"http://moss.mava.xxx.com/" + doc.Attributes["ows_FileRef"].InnerText.Split('#')[1];             // Leaves out the "//" at the beginning
            Timesheet tsheet = new Timesheet(link);
            tsheet.TimesheetID = Convert.ToInt32(doc.Attributes["ows_ID"].InnerText);
            tsheet.WeekStartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(doc.Attributes["ows_WeekStart"].InnerText);
            tsheet.CurrentStatus = doc.Attributes["ows_TimesheetStatus"].InnerText;
            tsheet.ApproverName = doc.Attributes["ows_Approver"].InnerText;
            tsheet.VendorFullName = doc.Attributes["ows_Vendor"].InnerText.Split('#')[1];               // strips some crap at the beginnining
            tsheet.Creator = doc.Attributes["ows_Author"].InnerText.Split('(')[1].Split(')')[0];         // Strips out only the NT user name
            tsheet.CreateDate = doc.Attributes["ows_Created"].InnerText;                                 // Leaves it in string format...never used as a date
            tsheet.Modifier = doc.Attributes["ows_Editor"].InnerText.Split('(')[1].Split(')')[0];       // Strips out only the NT user name
            tsheet.ModDate = doc.Attributes["ows_Modified"].InnerText.Split('(')[1].Split(')')[0];      // Leaves it in string format...never used as a date
            tsheet.OverrideStatus = doc.Attributes["ows_OverrideStatus"].InnerText;
    static XmlNodeList TSList()
        //  This function returns an XML list of all Documents in the library with a status that needs to be audited.
        //  It uses the URL and Library Name found in the project property settings             
public class Timesheet
    private enum NotifyType

    private Excel.Worksheet xlSH;                               // Local variables
    private Excel.Range xlRange;                                //
    private Excel.Application xlApp;                            //  
    private Excel.Workbooks xlWBS;                              //
    private Excel.Workbook xlWB;                                //

    public int RowCount { get; set; }                           // Row count in the "Used Range" (including the header row)
    public int ColCount { get; set; }                           // Column count in the "UsedRange"
    public int TimesheetID { get; set; }                        // Set from the SP Document Property
    public int VendorID                                         // "Read-only" property derived from the VendorFullName Document Property
            return Convert.ToInt32(VendorFullName.Split('(')[1].Split(')')[0]); // Retrieves the parenthesized Vendor ID

    public DateTime WeekStartDate { get; set; }                 // Set from the SP Document Property
    public DateTime WeekEndDate                                 // "Read-only" property 
            return WeekStartDate.AddDays(6);                    //(always returns WeekStartDate+6)

    public string CurrentStatus { get; set; }                   // Set from the SP Property unchanged
    public string ApproverName { get; set; }                    // Set from the SP Property unchanged
    public string ApproverEmailAddress
            return ApproverName + "@xxx.com";
    public string VendorFullName { get; set; }                  // Set from the SP Property unchanged
    public string link { get; set; }                            // Derived from the SP Property
    public string Creator { get; set; }                         // NT user name of the SP Document creator
    public string CreatorEmailAddress
            return Creator + "@xxx.com";

    public string CreateDate { get; set; }                      // straight from ows_Created -- left as a string
    public string Modifier { get; set; }                        // NT user name of the SP Document ows_Modifier
    public string ModDate { get; set; }                         // straight from ows_Modified -- left as a string
    public string OverrideStatus { get; set; }
    public string VendorShortName
            return VendorFullName.Split('(')[0].Trim();        // Strips off trailing (), and trims it up

    List<string> WorkbookErrors = new List<string>();        

    public bool IsValid
        get                                   // This property is set by "validating" the worksheet
            vendor v = new Vendor(VendorID);
            bool returnvalue = true;
             // Don't forget spreadsheetgear is zero based.....
            for (int row = 0; row < RowCount; row++)

            return returnvalue;
    }                                // "Read-only" property
    private void NotifyWorkbookError(List<string> MsgLst)
    {  ....  }
    private void Notify(NotifyType nType, List<string> MsgLst)
    private string GetHTML(int MessageID)
    public Timesheet(string wbPath)
        link = wbPath;
        bool validDocument = OpenWorkbook();
        // Vendor curVndr = new Vendor(VendorID);
        //  Test the headings to make sure the workbook is valid
        if (validDocument)





    bool OpenWorkbook()
        xlApp = new Excel.Application();
        xlApp.Visible = false;
        xlWBS = xlApp.Workbooks;
        xlWB = xlWBS.Open(link);

        if ((xlWB.ReadOnly == true) || (ValidHeadings(xlRange) == false))
            WorkbookErrors.Add("This workbook is read-only. Someone has it open for writing. No processing can be completed");
            return false;                                           // Read-only Workbooks or WBs with bad heading row are not auditable
        xlSH = xlWB.Worksheets[Properties.Settings.Default.Timesheet_WorkSheetName];
        xlRange = xlSH.UsedRange;
        RowCount = xlRange.Rows.Count;
        ColCount = xlRange.Columns.Count;
        return true;
    bool ValidHeadings(Excel.Range range, int headingrow = 1)
    static bool ValidRow(Excel.Range row, int vendorID)
        bool returnvalue = false;

        return returnvalue;



2 に答える 2


C# では大文字と小文字が区別されます。あなたのクラスがVendor(大文字のVで)である場合、次のオブジェクトを作成できます

int id = ...; // your vendor Id goes here
Vendor v = new Vendor(id);
于 2013-01-11T22:39:45.777 に答える

クラスが実際には同じ名前空間にないか、別のプロジェクトにあり、メイン プロジェクトがそのプロジェクトへの参照を持っていない可能性があります。

Vendor クラスが実際にプログラムのメイン エントリ ポイントと同じ名前空間にある場合、そこで行う必要があるのは次のことだけです。

Vendor v = new Vendor(VendorID);
于 2013-01-11T22:15:24.103 に答える