VST SDK 2.4 を使用して単純な加算シンセを作成する必要がある大学の課題があります。
#ifndef __ADSR
#define __ADSR
#include <math.h>
class ADSR
int time, internalTimer, stage;
float process(float CurrentLevel, int attack, int decay, float sustain, int release, int* pKeyState);
#include "ADSR.h"
time = 0;
stage = 4;
internalTimer = 0;
float ADSR::process(float CurrentLevel, int attack, int decay, float sustain, int release, int* pKeyState)
if(stage = 1 && time >= (attack + decay + internalTimer + release))
time = 0;
while(time < attack)
CurrentLevel = CurrentLevel * ((1 / attack) + 1);
return CurrentLevel;
while(time < (attack + decay))
CurrentLevel = CurrentLevel * (sustain / decay);
return CurrentLevel;
while(time > (attack + decay))
CurrentLevel = CurrentLevel * 1;
return CurrentLevel;
while(time < (attack + decay + internalTimer + release) && *pKeyState == 2)
CurrentLevel = CurrentLevel * (sustain / release);
return CurrentLevel;
return CurrentLevel;
// This is the most basic plug in code there is!
// All this plug in will do is apply some gain to the input
// This is done in process replacing
#ifndef __VST_Plug_in__
#define __VST_Plug_in__
#include "audioeffectx.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "ADSR.h"
const int NUMBER_OF_INPUTS = 2;
const int NUMBER_OF_OUTPUTS = 2;
const int NUMBER_OF_PROGRAMS = 1;
// Base frequency (A4- 440Hz) for use in generating frequency table
const float BASE_A4 = 440.0;
const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
class VST_Plug_in : public AudioEffectX
VST_Plug_in (audioMasterCallback audioMaster);
~VST_Plug_in ();
virtual void processReplacing (float** inputs, float** outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames);
virtual VstInt32 processEvents (VstEvents* events);
virtual VstInt32 canDo (char* text);
double leftSample;
double rightSample;
float frequency;
float sampleRate;
long time;
long* pTime;
float gain;
// MIDI stuff
// MIDI data : holds data about current state of MIDI (note on/off, frequency, velocity)
int keyDown; // true : key is down, false : no key down
int* pkeyDown;
long currentNote; // the MIDI note number of the last note on (key down)
float currentVelocity; // current MIDI note velocity (0 -> 1)
float *m_pfFrequencyTable; // will store a list of frequency values (for note->frequency conversion)
void noteOff ();
void noteOn (long liNote, long liVelocity);
int getAttack(float value);
int sendAttack();
int getDecay(float value);
int sendDecay();
float getSustain(float value);
float sendSustain();
int getRelease(float value);
int sendRelease();
int maxAttack, minAttack, attack, maxDecay, minDecay, decay, minRelease, maxRelease, release;
float sustain;
double partial1, partial2, partial3, partial4, partial5, partial6, partial7, partial8;
ADSR env;
virtual void setParameter (VstInt32 index, float value);
virtual float getParameter (VstInt32 index);
virtual void getParameterLabel (VstInt32 index, char* label);
virtual void getParameterDisplay (VstInt32 index, char* text);
virtual void getParameterName (VstInt32 index, char* text);
// VST Plug-Ins SDK
// Version 2.4 $Date: 2005/11/15 15:14:03 $
// Category : VST 2.x SDK Samples
// Filename : VST_Plug_in.cpp
// Created by : Steinberg Media Technologies
// Description : a crap additive synth
// © 2005, Steinberg Media Technologies, All Rights Reserved
#include "VST_Plug_in.h"
AudioEffect* createEffectInstance (audioMasterCallback audioMaster)
return new VST_Plug_in (audioMaster);
VST_Plug_in::VST_Plug_in (audioMasterCallback audioMaster)
setNumInputs (NUMBER_OF_INPUTS); // stereo in
setNumOutputs (NUMBER_OF_OUTPUTS); // stereo out
setUniqueID ('Add1'); // identify
canProcessReplacing (); // supports replacing output
leftSample = 0.0;
rightSample = 0.0;
frequency = 0.0;
gain = 1.f;
currentVelocity = 0.0;
currentNote = 0;
keyDown = 2;
pkeyDown = &keyDown;
time = 0;
pTime = &time;
partial1 = partial2 = partial3 = partial4 = partial5 = partial6 = partial7 = partial8 = 0.f;
maxAttack = 2 * 192000;
minAttack = 1;
attack = 44100;
maxDecay = 192000;
minDecay = 1;
decay = 22050;
maxRelease = 4 * 192000;
minRelease = 1;
release = 96000;
sustain = 1.f;
sampleRate = getSampleRate();//get sample rate from host
ADSR env;
isSynth (); // Informs host that this is a VSTi
// initialise frequency table
m_pfFrequencyTable = new float [128] ; // 128 Midi notes
if (m_pfFrequencyTable)
for (int i = 0; i< 128; i++)
m_pfFrequencyTable[i] = BASE_A4 *powf(2.f,(i-57)/12.f) ;
VST_Plug_in::~VST_Plug_in ()
// nothing to do here
// this is where the intresting stuff happens :0
void VST_Plug_in::processReplacing (float** inputs, float** outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames)
float* out1 = outputs[0];
float* out2 = outputs[1];
//ADSR env;
for(int i = 0; i < sampleFrames; i++)
// NEW : only send out audio if there is a note on currently
frequency = m_pfFrequencyTable[currentNote];
partial1 = (double)sin(2.0*PI*time++*(frequency/sampleRate))* 0.125;
partial2 = (double)sin(2.0*PI*time++*((2*frequency)/sampleRate))* 0.125;
partial3 = (double)sin(2.0*PI*time++*((3*frequency)/sampleRate))* 0.125;
partial4 = (double)sin(2.0*PI*time++*((4*frequency)/sampleRate))* 0.125;
partial5 = (double)sin(2.0*PI*time++*((5*frequency)/sampleRate))* 0.125;
partial6 = (double)sin(2.0*PI*time++*((6*frequency)/sampleRate))* 0.125;
partial7 = (double)sin(2.0*PI*time++*((7*frequency)/sampleRate))* 0.125;
partial8 = (double)sin(2.0*PI*time++*((8*frequency)/sampleRate))* 0.125;
leftSample = partial1 + partial2 + partial3 + partial4 + partial5 + partial6 + partial7 + partial8;
leftSample = leftSample * env.process(leftSample, attack, decay, sustain, release, pkeyDown);
leftSample = leftSample * currentVelocity;
leftSample = leftSample * gain;
rightSample = leftSample;
// write samples to output buffer
(*out1++) = leftSample;
(*out2++) = rightSample;
// NEW : overriden function, tells host what the plugin can do (see notes)
VstInt32 VST_Plug_in::canDo(char *text)
if (!strcmp (text, "receiveVstEvents")) // SimpleSynth can receive VST events
return 1;
if (!strcmp (text, "receiveVstMidiEvent")) // SimpleSynth can receive VST MIDI events
return 1;
return -1; // explicitly can't do; 0 => don't know
// NEW : this process function is called to collect incoming VST events
VstInt32 VST_Plug_in::processEvents (VstEvents* events)
// parse event list
for (long i = 0; i < events->numEvents; i++)
if ((events->events[i])->type == kVstMidiType)
VstMidiEvent* event = (VstMidiEvent*)events->events[i];
char* midiData = event->midiData;
long status = midiData[0] & 0xf0; // ignoring channel
if (status == 0x90 || status == 0x80) // we only look at notes
long note = midiData[1];
long velocity = midiData[2];
if (status == 0x80)
velocity = 0;
// set velocity to zero if it is a note off message
if (!velocity && (note == currentNote))
noteOff ();
noteOn (note, velocity);
return 1; // indicate that we wish to receive more events
void VST_Plug_in::noteOn(long liNote, long liVelocity)
keyDown = 1;
time = 0;
currentNote = liNote;
// velocity is liVelocity /127
currentVelocity = liVelocity / 127.f;
void VST_Plug_in::noteOff()
keyDown = 2;
currentVelocity = 0;
// this function is called whenever the fader is moved
void VST_Plug_in::setParameter (VstInt32 index, float value)
switch (index)
case kGain : gain = value;break;
case kAttack : attack = getAttack(value); break; //need vale in samples for envelope here
case kDecay : decay = getDecay(value); break;
case kSustain : sustain = getSustain(value); break;
case kRelease : release = getRelease(value); break;
// this function is called whenever the gui requires data
// eg when it is displayed
float VST_Plug_in::getParameter (VstInt32 index)
switch (index)
case kGain : return gain;break;
case kAttack : return sendAttack(); break; //need 0 - 1 val here
case kDecay : return sendDecay();break;
case kSustain : return sendSustain();break;
case kRelease : return sendRelease();break;
// getParameterName places the parameter name on the plug in
void VST_Plug_in::getParameterName (VstInt32 index, char* label)
switch (index)
case kGain : vst_strncpy (label, "Gain", kVstMaxParamStrLen);break;
case kAttack : vst_strncpy (label, "Attack", kVstMaxParamStrLen); break;
case kDecay : vst_strncpy (label, "Decay", kVstMaxParamStrLen); break;
case kSustain : vst_strncpy (label, "Sustain", kVstMaxParamStrLen); break;
case kRelease : vst_strncpy (label, "Release", kVstMaxParamStrLen); break;
// getParameterDisplay displays the parameter value on the plug-in
void VST_Plug_in::getParameterDisplay (VstInt32 index, char* text)
switch (index)
case kGain : dB2string(gain, text, kVstMaxParamStrLen);break;
case kAttack : float2string(attack, text, kVstMaxParamStrLen); break;
case kDecay : float2string(decay, text, kVstMaxParamStrLen); break;
case kSustain: dB2string(sustain, text, kVstMaxParamStrLen); break;
case kRelease : float2string(release, text, kVstMaxParamStrLen); break;
//linear display
//float2string(gain, text, kVstMaxParamStrLen);
//dB display
//dB2string (gain, text, kVstMaxParamStrLen);
void VST_Plug_in::getParameterLabel (VstInt32 index, char* label)
switch (index)
case kGain : vst_strncpy (label, "dB", kVstMaxParamStrLen);break;
case kAttack : vst_strncpy (label, "Samples", kVstMaxParamStrLen); break;
case kDecay : vst_strncpy (label, "Samples", kVstMaxParamStrLen); break;
case kSustain : vst_strncpy (label, "dB", kVstMaxParamStrLen); break;
case kRelease : vst_strncpy (label, "Samples", kVstMaxParamStrLen); break;
int VST_Plug_in::getAttack(float value)
attack = minAttack + ((maxAttack-minAttack) * value);
return attack;
int VST_Plug_in::sendAttack()
int retAttVal;
retAttVal = (attack - minAttack) / (maxAttack-minAttack);
return retAttVal;
int VST_Plug_in::getDecay(float value)
decay = minDecay + ((maxDecay-minDecay) * value);
return decay;
int VST_Plug_in::sendDecay()
int retDecVal;
retDecVal = (decay - minDecay) / (maxDecay-minDecay);
return retDecVal;
float VST_Plug_in::getSustain(float value)
sustain = value;
return sustain;
float VST_Plug_in::sendSustain()
return sustain;
int VST_Plug_in::getRelease(float value)
release = minRelease + ((maxRelease-minRelease) * value);
return release;
int VST_Plug_in::sendRelease()
int retRelVal;
retRelVal = (release - minRelease) / (maxRelease-minRelease);
return retRelVal;