こんにちは、あるループで 0 値を含む n/a 値を検索し、この値を別のループでカテゴリとともに送信したいと考えています。私のコードは
$newcount=$db->get_results("SELECT s2.qcategory, s1.id, count(s1.na) as na_count FROM (select distinct `qcategory` from store) s2 left join store s1 on s1.`qcategory` = s2.`qcategory` and s1.survey_name='$userID' and s1.dateone='$dateVal' and s1.branch='$branch' and s1.`na` = '1' group by 1 order by s1.id ");
foreach($newcount as $sqcount)
$newqcat=$db->get_results("SELECT count(id) as r_count, sum(point) as point_value,dateone, na, qcategory FROM store where survey_name='$userID' and dateone='$dateVal' and branch='$branch' group by qcategory order by id");
foreach($newqcat as $sqcat1)
echo $sqcat1->qcategory?></a>
**First impression - 3
Quality and value -0
Overall impression and ambiance - 1**
別のループで各 n/a 値を差し引きます