OraclePreparedStatement ops = (OraclePreparedStatement)conn.prepareStatement
("INSERT INTO my_bfile_table VALUES (?,?)");
ops.setBFILE(2, bfile);
このサンプルは、Oracle JDBC BFILE のサポートを示しています。これは、テーブルに BFILE を格納する方法を示しており、BFILE の内容をダンプするためのユーティリティが含まれています。BFILE に関する情報。
* This sample demonstrate basic File support
import java.sql.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
//including this import makes the code easier to read
import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
// needed for new BFILE class
import oracle.sql.*;
public class FileExample{
public static void main (String args [])throws Exception{
// Register the Oracle JDBC driver
DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
// Connect to the database
// You can put a database name after the @ sign in the connection URL.
// The sample creates a DIRECTORY and you have to be connected as
// "system" to be able to run the test.
// I you can't connect as "system" have your system manager
// create the directory for you, grant you the rights to it, and
// remove the portion of this program that drops and creates the directory.
Connection conn =
DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:oci8:@", "system", "manager");
// It's faster when auto commit is off
conn.setAutoCommit (false);
// Create a Statement
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement ();
stmt.execute ("drop directory TEST_DIR");
catch (SQLException e)
// An error is raised if the directory does not exist. Just ignore it.
stmt.execute ("create directory TEST_DIR as '/tmp/filetest'");
stmt.execute ("drop table test_dir_table");
catch (SQLException e)
// An error is raised if the table does not exist. Just ignore it.
// Create and populate a table with files
// The files file1 and file2 must exist in the directory TEST_DIR created
// above as symbolic name for /private/local/filetest.
stmt.execute ("create table test_dir_table (x varchar2 (30), b bfile)");
stmt.execute ("insert into test_dir_table values
('one', bfilename ('TEST_DIR', 'file1'))");
stmt.execute ("insert into test_dir_table values
('two', bfilename ('TEST_DIR', 'file2'))");
// Select the file from the table
ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery ("select * from test_dir_table");
while (rset.next ())
String x = rset.getString (1);
BFILE bfile = ((OracleResultSet)rset).getBFILE (2);
System.out.println (x + " " + bfile);
// Dump the file contents
dumpBfile (conn, bfile);
// Close all resources
// Utility function to dump the contents of a Bfile
static void dumpBfile (Connection conn, BFILE bfile) throws Exception{
System.out.println ("Dumping file " + bfile.getName());
System.out.println ("File exists: " + bfile.fileExists());
System.out.println ("File open: " + bfile.isFileOpen());
System.out.println ("Opening File: ");
System.out.println ("File open: " + bfile.isFileOpen());
long length = bfile.length();
System.out.println ("File length: " + length);
int chunk = 10;
InputStream instream = bfile.getBinaryStream();
// Create temporary buffer for read
byte[] buffer = new byte[chunk];
// Fetch data
while ((length = instream.read(buffer)) != -1)
System.out.print("Read " + length + " bytes: ");
for (int i=0; i<length; i++)
System.out.print(buffer[i]+" ");
// Close input stream
// close file handler