Googlecode からオープンソースの Android プロジェクトをダウンロードします。その名はOSMAND。と を設定しjava compile version to 1.6ますandroid version to 4.0。のプロジェクトで"net.osmand.plus.activities.MainMenuActivity"は、Eclipse IDE によって警告されるエラーは 3 つだけです。

エラーの 2 つはクラスAccessibilityDelegatにあります。

osmand google グループで質問しました。週刊誌やその他の理由で質問に答えられない理由がわかりません。そこでここで質問します。

package net.osmand.access;

import net.osmand.access.AccessibleLayout;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.app.Dialog;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.Window;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;

// This class serves as a delegate of accessibility service
// providing a sort of touch exploration capability
// for a View hierarchy. It means that elements will be spoken
// on touch. Thus, you can slide your finger across the screen
// and hear available controls and items.
// Lift finger up on a control to make click.
// This class can not be instantiated directly.
// Use static method takeCareOf() to get it's functionality
// for respective objects.
public class AccessibilityDelegate extends AccessibleLayout {

    private AccessibilityDelegate(Context context) {

    // Attach itself to a target View hierarchy to intercept touch events
    // and provide on-touch accessibility feedback.
    // Target View must be an instance of FrameLayout
    // or have a parent which is an instance of ViewGroup.
    private void attach(View target) {
        ViewGroup parent;
        if (target instanceof FrameLayout) {
            parent = (ViewGroup)target;
            while (parent.getChildCount() > 0) {
                View child = parent.getChildAt(0);
            parent.addView(this, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT));
        } else if (target.getParent() instanceof ViewGroup) {
            parent = (ViewGroup)target.getParent();
            int position = parent.indexOfChild(target);
            ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = target.getLayoutParams();
            addView(target, new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT));
            parent.addView(this, position, params);

    // Provide touch exploration capability for individual View
    // or whole View hierarchy. The hierarchy root specified
    // as an argument must either be an instance of FrameLayout
    // or have a parent that is an instance of ViewGroup.
    public static void takeCareOf(View hierarchy) {
        final AccessibilityDelegate delegate = new AccessibilityDelegate(hierarchy.getContext());

    // Provide touch exploration capability for given window.
    public static void takeCareOf(Window window) {

    // Provide touch exploration capability for an activity View content.
    // Use after setContentView().
    public static void takeCareOf(Activity activity) {

    // Provide touch exploration capability for a dialog View content.
    // Use after setContentView().
    public static void takeCareOf(Dialog dialog) {



The constructor View.AccessibilityDelegate(Context) is undefined   
Resource: AccessibilityDelegate.java   
Path: /net.osmand.plus.activities.MainMenuActivity/src/net/osmand/access    
Location:line 60    Type:Java Problem.

このエラーは、「 final AccessibilityDelegate delegate = new AccessibilityDelegate(hierarchy.getContext()); 」という文に表示されます。

The method attach(View) is undefined for the type View.AccessibilityDelegate    

Location: line 61    Type:Java Problem
this error appear in the next of my seperated line, in sentence       "delegate.attach(hierarchy);"



1 に答える 1


コンパイラによって View.AccessibilityDelegate を使用させられているようです。次のように、代わりに完全修飾名を使用してみてください。

final net.osmand.access.AccessibilityDelegate delegate = new net.osmand.access.AccessibilityDelegate(hierarchy.getContext());


于 2013-01-13T16:34:52.713 に答える