他の誰かが私のために書いた Perl スクリプトを実行していますが、次の正規表現が "Film CD 1.avi"、"Film2 CD 1.avi" などの名前の私のファイルと一致しないように思われることに気付きました。 :
$name = (split (/[ ]*CD[ ]*1/i, $in_avi))[0];
/編集: 完全なコードは次のとおりです。
use strict;
# Configuration Details #
# Array of movies to convert
my @MOVIES_TO_CONVERT; # = ('The Figher', 'The Fifth Element');
# Directory where the split AVI files are stored
my $MOVIE_IN_PATH = 'D:\split';
# Directory where the combined AVI files will be stored
my $MOVIE_OUT_PATH = 'D:\combined';
# Full path to the avidemux executable
my $AVIDEMUX = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Avidemux\avidemux.exe';
# Functions #
# Return an array of all the AVI files in the specified directory.
sub get_avis_in_directory
my $dh; # Directory handle
my $dir; # Current directory
my @avis; # Array of file names to return
opendir ($dh, $dir = shift) or die "Failed to open directory $dir: $!\n";
while (readdir $dh)
next if (/^\.{1,2}/);
$_ = $dir . "\\" . $_;
push (@avis, $_) if (-f $_ and /.*\.avi$/i);
closedir $dh;
return (@avis);
# Entry Point #
die "Input directory $MOVIE_IN_PATH does not exist!\n" unless (-d $MOVIE_IN_PATH);
die "Output directory $MOVIE_OUT_PATH does not exist!\n" unless (-d $MOVIE_OUT_PATH);
# This variable represents the actual names and paths of movies to be converted.
# It will either be built from the files specified in @MOVIES_TO_CONVERT manually, or
# built dynamically based on the files in the source and destination paths.
my @movies_formatted; # Array of hashes of movies to convert
if ($#MOVIES_TO_CONVERT == -1)
my @in_avis; # Array of AVI files in the input directory
my @out_avis; # Array of AVI files in the ouput directory
@in_avis = get_avis_in_directory ($MOVIE_IN_PATH);
@out_avis = get_avis_in_directory ($MOVIE_OUT_PATH);
for my $in_avi (@in_avis)
if ($in_avi =~ /.*[ ]*CD[ ]*1\.avi$/i)
my $rec; # Temporary hash variable
my $name; # Name of the move we are processing
$name = (split (/[ ]*CD[ ]*1/i, $in_avi))[0];
$name = (split (/$MOVIE_IN_PATH[\\\/]{1}/i, $name))[1];
for my $in_avi_2 (@in_avis)
if ($in_avi_2 =~ /^$MOVIE_IN_PATH\\$name[ ]*CD[ ]*2\.avi$/i)
$rec->{'part2'} = $in_avi_2;
if (defined $rec->{'part2'})
for my $out_avi (@out_avis)
if ($out_avi =~ /$name\.avi$/i)
$rec->{'output'} = $out_avi;
unless (defined $rec->{'output'})
$rec->{'part1'} = $in_avi;
$rec->{'output'} = "$MOVIE_OUT_PATH\\$name.avi";
push (@movies_formatted, $rec);
my $rec; # Temporary hash variable
for my $name (@MOVIES_TO_CONVERT)
$rec = {};
$rec->{'part1'} = "$MOVIE_IN_PATH\\$name CD 1.avi";
$rec->{'part2'} = "$MOVIE_IN_PATH\\$name CD 2.avi";
$rec->{'output'} = "$MOVIE_OUT_PATH\\$name.avi";
push (@movies_formatted, $rec);
for my $movie (@movies_formatted)
my $convert_cmd = "\"$AVIDEMUX\" --load \"" . $movie->{'part1'} . "\" --append \"" . $movie->{'part2'} . "\" --force-smart --save \"" . $movie->{'output'} . "\" --quit";
print "$convert_cmd\n";
die "Unable to convert $movie->{'output'}!\n" if (system "$convert_cmd");
xorangekiller によるhttp://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1128384-batch-file-to-run-command-on-joining-video-filesのスクリプト。