var canvas = $("#canvas")[0];
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var w;
var h;
var sectionH;
var sectionW;
var sectionX;
var noOfSections;
var gap;
var sectionColor;
var firstY;
//separate sections to follow:
var sessionsStartY;
var sessionsEndY;
//activities values
var activitiesStartY;
var activitiesEndY;
//schools values
var schoolsStartY;
var schoolsEndY;
//data entry values
var daenStartY;
var daenEndY;
//general value setup
function generalSetUp() {
noOfSections = 4;
ctx.canvas.width = window.innerWidth - 15;
ctx.canvas.height = window.innerHeight + 500;
//section edge color and width
ctx.strokeStyle = "white";
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
w = $("#canvas").width();
h = $("#canvas").height();
//gap between the sections should vary depending on screen size,
//one percent of the whole screen height should do
//we want the numbers nice and round, hence parseInt
gap = 15;
sectionX = 5;
firstY = 5;
sectionColor = "rgba(240, 237, 238, 0.5)";
//we want to fit all the sections on the screen without scrolling, so a bit of calculation is needed to get the
//height of the section: total height minus top gap, minus bottom gap, minus all the gaps between the sections
//divided by the total number of sections should give us the height of every section
sectionH = ((((h - firstY) - firstY) - (gap * (noOfSections-1))) / noOfSections);
sectionH = parseInt(sectionH);
//total available width minus left gap and right gap
sectionW = ((w - sectionX) - sectionX);
sectionW = parseInt(sectionW);
titleFont = gap + 18 + "px Calibri";
buttonFont = gap + 12 + "px Calibri";
//setup for values representing positions of each section
function sectionsSetUp() {
//section values
sessionsStartY = firstY;
sessionsEndY = sessionsStartY + sectionH;
//activities values
activitiesStartY = sessionsEndY + gap;
activitiesEndY = activitiesStartY + sectionH;
//schools values
schoolsStartY = activitiesEndY + gap;
schoolsEndY = schoolsStartY + sectionH;
//data entry values
daenStartY = schoolsEndY + gap;
daenEndY = daenStartY + sectionH;
//drawing each session:
function createSessionsSection(sStartX, sStartY, sEndX, sEndY) {
ctx.strokeStyle = "white";
ctx.fillRect(sStartX, sStartY, sEndX, sEndY);
ctx.strokeRect(sStartX, sStartY, sEndX, sEndY);