空の定義があるかどうかを確認することはできますか? IS_EMPTY_OR_UNDEFINED は、私が思いついた架空のマクロです。
#define constantA 0
#define constantB 1
#define constantC null
#define constantF ""
#define constantH
# error constantA is defined 0 and the above if should not be true - this line should not run
# error constantB is defined 1 and the above if should not be true - this line should not run
# error constantC is defined null and the above if should not be true - this line should not run
# error constantF is defined "" and the above if should not be true - this line should not run
#if ! IS_EMPTY_OR_UNDEFINED(constantH)
# error constantH is defined empty and the above if should not be true - this line should not run
#if defined(undefinedConstant) && ! IS_EMPTY_OR_UNDEFINED(undefinedConstant)
# error undefinedConstant is not defined and the above if should not be true - this line should not run