私は C# のバックグラウンドを持ち、LINQ に慣れていますが、アンダースコアはまったく同じではありません。
私がアイテムをフィルタリングするために通常使用する C# とは異なります。
products = [
{ name: "Sonoma", ingredients: ["artichoke", "sundried tomatoes", "mushrooms"], containsNuts: false },
{ name: "Pizza Primavera", ingredients: ["roma", "sundried tomatoes", "goats cheese", "rosemary"], containsNuts: false },
{ name: "South Of The Border", ingredients: ["black beans", "jalapenos", "mushrooms"], containsNuts: false },
{ name: "Blue Moon", ingredients: ["blue cheese", "garlic", "walnuts"], containsNuts: true },
{ name: "Taste Of Athens", ingredients: ["spinach", "kalamata olives", "sesame seeds"], containsNuts: true }
it("given I'm allergic to nuts and hate mushrooms, it should find a pizza I can eat (functional)", function () {
var productsICanEat = [];
//This works but was hoping I could do the mushroom check as well in the same line
var noNuts = _(products).filter(function (x) { return !x.containsNuts;});
var noMushrooms = _(noNuts).reject(function(x){ return !_(x.ingredients).any(function(y){return y === "mushrooms";});});
var count = productsICanEat.length;