class One{
public $var = 10;
class Two extends One{
public $var = 20;
function __construct(){
$this->var = parent::$var;
$two = new Two();
echo $two->var;
class One{
private $var = 10;
public function getVar(){
return $this->var;
class Two extends One{
public $var;
function __construct(){
$this->var = parent::getVar();
$two = new Two();
echo $two->var;
このように(非常に静的に)取得したい場合は、One と Two で bothvar
class One {
public static $var = 10;
class Two extends One {
public static $var = 20;
public function __construct() {
// this line creates a new property for Two, not dealing with static $var
$this->var = parent::$var;
// this line makes real change
// self::$var = parent::$var;
$two = new Two();
echo $two->var; // 10
echo $two::$var; // 20, no changes
echo Two::$var; // 20, no changes
// But I don't recommend this usage
// This is proper for me; self::$var = parent::$var; instead of $this->var = parent::$var;
変数が または のいずれかである限りprotected
class One{
public $var = 10;
class Two extends One{
public $var = 20;
class Three extends One{
$a = new One();
echo $a->var; // 10
$b = new Two();
echo $b->var; // 20
$c = new Three();
echo $c->var; // 10
class One {
public $var = 10;
class Two extends One {
$two = new Two();
echo $two->var;