


だから私は、、 StartURL、人々が推奨するすべてのものGlobal.asaxをチェックしました。Web.Configそれを動作させることができません。私が電話すれば/Feed/Index、それはうまくいきます!しかし/Feed/、私にエラーを与えるだけです。







    new { controller = "XBLContent", action = "Details"},
    new { guid = @"[0-9|a-z|\-]{36}", locale = @"[a-z|A-Z]{2}-[A-Z|a-z]{2}"}

    new { controller = "XBLContent", action = "Details" },
    new { guid = @"[0-9|a-z|\-]{36}" }

    new { controller = "XBLContent", action = "Index" },
    new { days = @"[0-9]", locale = @"[a-z|A-Z]{2}-[A-Z|a-z]{2}" }

    new { controller = "XBLContent", action = "Index" },
    new { days = @"[0-9]" }

    new { controller = "Feed", action = "GameAddons" },
    new { sort = @"[a-z|A-Z]+", locale = @"[a-z|A-Z]{2}-[A-Z|a-z]{2}" }

    new { controller = "Feed", action = "GameAddons", sort = UrlParameter.Optional },
    new { sort = @"[a-z|A-Z]+" }

    new { controller = "Feed", action = "Index" }

    new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" },
    new { locale = @"[a-z|A-Z]{2}-[A-Z|a-z]{2}" }

    new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", locale = UrlParameter.Optional },
    new { locale = @"[a-z|A-Z]{2}-[A-Z|a-z]{2}" }

    new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", locale = UrlParameter.Optional },
    new { locale = @"[a-z|A-Z]{2}-[A-Z|a-z]{2}" }

    new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

更新: デフォルトのルートだけを残してすべてのルートにコメントしましたが、エラーはまだ存在します。

更新: これがコントローラー全体です。アーケードアクションを変更し、「オールドコード」にコメントしただけです。

public class FeedController : Controller
    XBLContentContext db = new XBLContentContext();

    private int activemenu = 4;

    private const int QT_FEED = 12;

    public ActionResult Index(string locale)
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(locale))
            locale = "en-us";

        ViewBag.Title = "Xbox LIVE Feeds";
        ViewBag.Description = "Xbox LIVE Feed generator. Configure and add it to your favourite feed reader.";
        ViewBag.Keywords = "xbox, live, tools, feed, syndication, rss, atom";

        ViewBag.ContentType = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ContentType)).Cast<ContentType>().Select(v => new SelectListItem
            Selected = (v == ContentType.Arcade),
            Text = v.ToString().ToSentence(),
            Value = v.ToString()
        ViewBag.SortBy = Enum.GetValues(typeof(SortBy)).Cast<SortBy>().Select(v => new SelectListItem
            Selected = (v == SortBy.OfferStartDate),
            Text = v.ToString().ToSentence(),
            Value = v.ToString()

        ViewBag.Regions = (from x in GlobalVariables.Regions
                           select new SelectListItem
                               Selected = (x.ID.ToLower() == locale),
                               Text = x.Country,
                               Value = x.ID.ToLower()
                           }).OrderBy(x => x.Text).ToList();

        return View();

    public ActionResult AllDownloads(string sort, string locale)
        var today = DateTime.Today;
        var region = "All Regions";

        var qry = from c in db.XBLRegionalContents.Include("Region").Include("Content")
                  where c.PublishDate <= today
                  select c;

        var qry2 = from c in qry
                   group c by c.ContentId into grouped
                   let maxdate = grouped.Max(x => x.PublishDate)
                   select new
                       Key = grouped.Where(x => x.ContentId == grouped.Key && (x.PublishDate == maxdate)).FirstOrDefault(),
                       Value = grouped.Where(x => x.ContentId == grouped.Key).Select(x => x.Region)

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(locale))
            qry2 = from c in qry2
                   where c.Value.Any(x => x.ID == locale)
                   select c;

        var model = qry2.OrderByDescending(x => x.Key.PublishDate).Take(QT_FEED).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(locale) && model.Count() > 0)
            region = model.FirstOrDefault().Key.Region.CountryEnglish;

        ViewBag.Language = locale;
        ViewBag.FeedTitle = "XBLTOOLS - Latest Content";
        ViewBag.FeedDescription = String.Format("{0} - {1}", region, DateTime.Now);

        return View("GlobalFeed", model);

    public ActionResult FullGames(string sort, string locale)
        var today = DateTime.Today;
        var region = "All Regions";

        var indie = ContentType.IndieGames.ToString();
        var qry = from c in db.XBLRegionalContents.Include("Region").Include("Content")
                  where c.Content.RelatedGameId == null && c.Content.FileSize > 0
                  && c.PublishDate <= DateTime.Today
                  && c.Content.ContentType != indie
                  select c;

        var qry2 = from c in qry
                   group c by c.ContentId into grouped
                   select new
                       Key = grouped.Where(x => x.ContentId == grouped.Key).FirstOrDefault(),
                       Value = grouped.Where(x => x.ContentId == grouped.Key).Select(x => x.Region)

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(locale))
            qry2 = from c in qry2
                   where c.Value.Any(x => x.ID == locale)
                   select c;

        var model = qry2.OrderByDescending(x => x.Key.PublishDate).Take(QT_FEED).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(locale) && model.Count > 0)
            region = model.FirstOrDefault().Key.Region.CountryEnglish;

        ViewBag.Language = locale;
        ViewBag.FeedTitle = "XBLTOOLS - Full Games";
        ViewBag.FeedDescription = String.Format("{0} - {1}", region, DateTime.Now);

        return View("GlobalFeed", model);

    public ActionResult Arcade(string sort, string locale)
        var page = db.XBLPages.First(x => x.Type == (int)XBLPageType.List);
        using (XBLPageCrawler crawler = new XBLPageCrawler(page, ContentType.Arcade, DownloadType.Game, sort,  locale))
            var countrycode = String.IsNullOrEmpty(locale) ? String.Empty : String.Format("{0} - ", locale.Split('-')[1].ToUpper());
            ViewBag.Language = locale;
            ViewBag.FeedTitle = String.Format("{0}{1}", countrycode, crawler.CType.GetDescription());

            return View("Feed", crawler.PageContent);
        #region OLDCODE
        //    using (XBLChart p = new XBLChart(ContentType.Arcade, DownloadType.Game, sort, locale))
        //    {
        //        var countrycode = String.IsNullOrEmpty(locale) ? String.Empty : String.Format("{0} - ", locale.Split('-')[1].ToUpper());
        //        ViewBag.Language = locale;
        //        ViewBag.FeedTitle = String.Format("{0}{1}", countrycode, p.CType.GetDescription());

        //        return View("Feed", p.ListaRegional);
        //    } 

    public ActionResult GamesOnDemand(string sort, string locale)
        using (XBLChart p = new XBLChart(ContentType.GamesOnDemand, DownloadType.Game, sort, locale))
            var countrycode = String.IsNullOrEmpty(locale) ? String.Empty : String.Format("{0} - ", locale.Split('-')[1].ToUpper());
            ViewBag.Language = locale;
            ViewBag.FeedTitle = String.Format("{0}{1}", countrycode, p.CType.GetDescription());

            return View("Feed", p.ListaRegional);

    public ActionResult IndieGames(string sort, string locale)
        using (XBLChart p = new XBLChart(ContentType.IndieGames, DownloadType.Game, sort, locale))
            var countrycode = String.IsNullOrEmpty(locale) ? String.Empty : String.Format("{0} - ", locale.Split('-')[1].ToUpper());
            ViewBag.Language = locale;
            ViewBag.FeedTitle = String.Format("{0}{1}", countrycode, p.CType.GetDescription());

            return View("Feed", p.ListaRegional);

    public ActionResult GameDemos(string sort, string locale)
        using (XBLChart p = new XBLChart(ContentType.GameDemos, DownloadType.GameDemo, sort, locale))
            var countrycode = String.IsNullOrEmpty(locale) ? String.Empty : String.Format("{0} - ", locale.Split('-')[1].ToUpper());
            ViewBag.Language = locale;
            ViewBag.FeedTitle = String.Format("{0}{1}", countrycode, p.CType.GetDescription());

            return View("Feed", p.ListaRegional);

    public ActionResult GameAddons(string sort, string locale)
        using (XBLChart p = new XBLChart(ContentType.GameAddons, DownloadType.GameAddon, sort, locale))
            var countrycode = String.IsNullOrEmpty(locale) ? String.Empty : String.Format("{0} - ", locale.Split('-')[1].ToUpper());
            ViewBag.Language = locale;
            ViewBag.FeedTitle = String.Format("{0}{1}", countrycode, p.CType.GetDescription());

            return View("Feed", p.ListaRegional);

    public ActionResult GameVideos(string sort, string locale)
        using (XBLChart p = new XBLChart(ContentType.GameVideos, DownloadType.GameVideo, sort, locale))
            var countrycode = String.IsNullOrEmpty(locale) ? String.Empty : String.Format("{0} - ", locale.Split('-')[1].ToUpper());
            ViewBag.Language = locale;
            ViewBag.FeedTitle = String.Format("{0}{1}", countrycode, p.CType.GetDescription());

            return View("Feed", p.ListaRegional);

    public ActionResult ThemesAndGamerPic(string sort, string locale)
        using (XBLChart p = new XBLChart(ContentType.ThemesAndGamerPic, DownloadType.ThemesAndGamerPic, sort, locale))
            var countrycode = String.IsNullOrEmpty(locale) ? String.Empty : String.Format("{0} - ", locale.Split('-')[1].ToUpper());
            ViewBag.Language = locale;
            ViewBag.FeedTitle = String.Format("{0}{1}", countrycode, p.CType.GetDescription());

            return View("Feed", p.ListaRegional);

    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)

UPDATE インデックスアクションをConfigに変更し、機能します。明示的な/Feed/ Indexも機能するため、問題はデフォルトの暗黙的な「インデックス」にあるようです。


1 に答える 1



  new { controller = "Feed", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
于 2013-01-20T00:21:54.210 に答える