選択ボックスで最初に選択したコンテンツ タイプ名のすべての日付フィールドを 2 番目の選択ボックスに入力しようとしています。$form_state で選択した値をフェッチするために ajax_callback を使用しています。エラーが発生していますが、その理由を特定できません。誰でも助けることができますか?
これは私のカスタム モジュール コードです。
function mymodule_settings($form, &$form_state){
$content_type_options = array();
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {node_type}");
foreach($result as $record){
$content_type_options[$record->type] = $record->name;
$form = array();
$form['content_type'] = array(
'#title' => t('Content Types'),
'#description' => t('Select a content type.'),
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => $content_type_options,
'#ajax' => array(
'event' => 'change',
'wrapper' => 'reg-start-date',
'callback' => 'mymodule_datefields_ajax_callback',
'method' => 'replace',
$form['checkboxes_fieldset'] = array(
'#title' => t("Start Date"),
'#prefix' => '<div id="reg-start-date">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
'#type' => 'select',
'#description' => t('Select the date field'),
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Save'),
return $form;
function mymodule_datefields_ajax_callback($form, $form_state) {
$fieldname = $form_state['triggering_element']['#value'];
$field_query = db_query("SELECT fc.field_name FROM {field_config} fc, {field_config_instance} fci
WHERE fc.field_name = fci.field_name
AND fc.type = 'datetime'
AND fci.bundle = '".$fieldname."'");
$datefield_options = array();
foreach($field_query as $record){
$datefield_options = $record;
return $datefield_options;
//dpm($form_state, 'AJAX $form_state');
AJAX HTTP エラーが発生しました。HTTP Result Code: 200 デバッグ情報が続きます。パス: /module_dev/?q=system/ajax StatusText: OK ResponseText: Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /var/www/module_dev/includes/common.inc 行 5786
/var/www/module_dev/includes/common.inc の 5786 行目を調べたところ、そこにあるコードを見つけました。
function drupal_render(&$elements) {
// Early-return nothing if user does not have access.
if (empty($elements) || (isset($elements['#access']) && !$elements['#access'])) {
// Do not print elements twice.
if (!empty($elements['#printed'])) {
// Try to fetch the element's markup from cache and return.
if (isset($elements['#cache'])) {
$cached_output = drupal_render_cache_get($elements);
if ($cached_output !== FALSE) {
return $cached_output;
// If #markup is set, ensure #type is set. This allows to specify just #markup
// on an element without setting #type.
if (isset($elements['#markup']) && !isset($elements['#type'])) {
$elements['#type'] = 'markup';
// If the default values for this element have not been loaded yet, populate
// them.
if (isset($elements['#type']) && empty($elements['#defaults_loaded'])) {
$elements += element_info($elements['#type']);
// Make any final changes to the element before it is rendered. This means
// that the $element or the children can be altered or corrected before the
// element is rendered into the final text.
if (isset($elements['#pre_render'])) {
foreach ($elements['#pre_render'] as $function) {
if (function_exists($function)) {
$elements = $function($elements);
// Allow #pre_render to abort rendering.
if (!empty($elements['#printed'])) {
// Get the children of the element, sorted by weight.
$children = element_children($elements, TRUE);
// Initialize this element's #children, unless a #pre_render callback already
// preset #children.
if (!isset($elements['#children'])) {
$elements['#children'] = '';
// Call the element's #theme function if it is set. Then any children of the
// element have to be rendered there.
if (isset($elements['#theme'])) {
$elements['#children'] = theme($elements['#theme'], $elements);
// If #theme was not set and the element has children, render them now.
// This is the same process as drupal_render_children() but is inlined
// for speed.
if ($elements['#children'] == '') {
foreach ($children as $key) {
$elements['#children'] .= drupal_render($elements[$key]);
// Let the theme functions in #theme_wrappers add markup around the rendered
// children.
if (isset($elements['#theme_wrappers'])) {
foreach ($elements['#theme_wrappers'] as $theme_wrapper) {
$elements['#children'] = theme($theme_wrapper, $elements);
// Filter the outputted content and make any last changes before the
// content is sent to the browser. The changes are made on $content
// which allows the output'ed text to be filtered.
if (isset($elements['#post_render'])) {
foreach ($elements['#post_render'] as $function) {
if (function_exists($function)) {
$elements['#children'] = $function($elements['#children'], $elements);
// Add any JavaScript state information associated with the element.
if (!empty($elements['#states'])) {
// Add additional libraries, CSS, JavaScript an other custom
// attached data associated with this element.
if (!empty($elements['#attached'])) {
$prefix = isset($elements['#prefix']) ? $elements['#prefix'] : '';
$suffix = isset($elements['#suffix']) ? $elements['#suffix'] : '';
$output = $prefix . $elements['#children'] . $suffix;
// Cache the processed element if #cache is set.
if (isset($elements['#cache'])) {
drupal_render_cache_set($output, $elements);
$elements['#printed'] = TRUE;
return $output;