char Secgrp = 0;
String a = (String) comboName.getSelectedItem();
String fill = "Select recDate, attendant, grp from log order by id DESC";
ps = conn.prepareStatement(fill);
rs = ps.executeQuery();
String x = cDate();
while (rs.next()){
java.sql.Date dDate = rs.getDate("recDate");
String bName = rs.getString("attendant");
char[] cbuf = new char[1];
char theValue = cbuf[0];
String grp = Character.toString(theValue);
if(x.equals(dDate.toString()) && group1 == theValue && a.equals(bName)){
Secgrp = theValue++ ;
else if(x.equals(dDate.toString()) && theValue > group1 && a.equals(bName))
{ Secgrp = theValue++;
else if(x.equals(dDate.toString()) && group1 > theValue && a.equals(bName))
{ Secgrp = group1;
As per the above codes, I'm trying to check if a char is equal to my resultset record. e.g. if A is equal to A, if date = date and name = name than do something.
But when I setText(String.valueOf(Secgrp)), no char is being inserted.
Please advice how can I retrieve a char e.g 'A' from resultSet.