package model {
public class Jeau extends EventDispatcher {
protected var _tMap1:Array = new Array();
protected var _tMap2:Array = new Array();
protected var _tMap3:Array = new Array();
//consider using more descriptive variable names
//or an array of arrays (one map in each index)
public function get tMap1():Array {
return _tMap1;
public function set tMap1(value:Array):void {
if (value != _tMap1) {
_tMap1 = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event('tMap1Changed'));
public function get tMap2():Array {
return _tMap2;
public function set tMap2(value:Array):void {
if (value != _tMap2) {
_tMap2 = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event('tMap2Changed'));
public function get tMap3():Array {
return _tMap3;
public function set tMap3(value:Array):void {
if (value != _tMap3) {
_tMap3 = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event('tMap3Changed'));
protected function somethingThatChangesMap1(index:int, value:String):void {
_tMap1[index] = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event('tMap1Changed'));
package view {
class Perso extends MovieClip {
protected var jeau:Jeau;
public function get jeau():Jeau {
return _jeau;
public function set jeau(value:Jeau):void {
if (value != _jeau) {
_jeau = value;
_jeau.addEventListener('map1Changed', doMap1Stuff);
_jeau.addEventListener('map2Changed', doMap2Stuff);
_jeau.addEventListener('map3Changed', doMap3Stuff);
protected function doMap1Stuff(e:Event=null) {
//do actions depending on the state of map1 here
protected function doMap2Stuff(e:Event=null) {
//do actions depending on the state of map2 here
protected function doMap3Stuff(e:Event=null) {
//do actions depending on the state of map3 here
package control {
public class MainGame {
protected var jeau:Jeau;
protected function perso:Perso;
public function MainGame() {
jeau = new Jeau();
//jeau setup
perso = new Perso();
perso.jeau = jeau;