- メニューコマンドメッセージを送信する。つまり、トグルします。
- 何らかの形式のプロセス間通信(メッセージパッシング)を実装し、他のスクリプトを一時停止させることによって。
ScriptSuspend(ScriptName, SuspendOn)
; Get the HWND of the script's main window (which is usually hidden).
dhw := A_DetectHiddenWindows
DetectHiddenWindows On
if scriptHWND := WinExist(ScriptName " ahk_class AutoHotkey")
; This constant is defined in the AutoHotkey source code (resource.h):
static ID_FILE_SUSPEND := 65404
; Get the menu bar.
mainMenu := DllCall("GetMenu", "ptr", scriptHWND)
; Get the File menu.
fileMenu := DllCall("GetSubMenu", "ptr", mainMenu, "int", 0)
; Get the state of the menu item.
state := DllCall("GetMenuState", "ptr", fileMenu, "uint", ID_FILE_SUSPEND, "uint", 0)
; Get the checkmark flag.
isSuspended := state >> 3 & 1
; Clean up.
DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", fileMenu)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "ptr", mainMenu)
if (!SuspendOn != !isSuspended)
SendMessage 0x111, ID_FILE_SUSPEND,,, ahk_id %scriptHWND%
; Otherwise, it's already in the right state.
DetectHiddenWindows %dhw%
SetTitleMatchMode 2 ; Allow filename instead of full path.
ScriptSuspend("script1.ahk", true) ; Suspend.
ScriptSuspend("script1.ahk", false) ; Unsuspend.