I have a model collection that is referenced from a most parts of my code.
public class TraceEntryQueue
private readonly Queue<TraceEntry> _logEntries;
public TraceEntryQueue()
_logEntries = new Queue<TraceEntry>();
public void AddEntry(TraceEntry newEntry)
public List<TraceEntry> GetAsList()
return _logEntries.ToList();
This collection is presented in one of my views.
public class LoggingViewModel : ViewModelBase
private ICollectionView _customers;
public ICollectionView Customers
return _customers;
private set
_customers = value;
public LoggingViewModel(TraceEntryQueue traceQueue)
Customers = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(traceQueue.GetAsList());
Customers.SortDescriptions.Add(new SortDescription("Index", ListSortDirection.Descending));
The question is how I can notify my view to reload the collection when I add new entries via
public void AddEntry(TraceEntry newEntry)