If I try this code :
import nltk
pattern = [(r'(March)$','MAR')]
print tagger.tag('He was born in March 1991')
I get an output likr this:
[('H', None), ('e', None), (' ', None), ('w', None), ('a', None), ('s', None), (' ', None), >('b', None), ('o', None), ('r', None), ('n', None), (' ', None), ('i', None), ('n', None), (' ', None), ('M', None), ('a', None), ('r', None), ('c', None), ('h', None), (' ', None), ('1', None), ('9', None), ('9', None), ('1', None)]
In fact I would like this tagger to recognise 'March' word with 'MAR' tag.