ビュー モデルからネストされたビュー モデルにマップされるプロパティに問題があります。私の構造(スリム化):


public class PolicyViewModel
     public int PolicyId { get; set; }
     public NoteViewModel NoteVM { get; set; }

public class NoteViewModel
     public int PolicyId { get; set; }

ポリシー コントローラー:

public ActionResult Adjustment(int policyId = 0, int historyId = 0)
    GroupPolicyViewModel groupPolicyVM = new GroupPolicyViewModel();
    // Automap all property values, then assign the policy Id to the nested controller?!
    groupPolicyVM.NoteVM = new NoteViewModel { PolicyId = policyId };

    return View(groupPolicyVM);


public int PolicyId { get; set; } // null
public JsonResult Get(int take, int skip, FilterExpression filter, NoteViewModel NoteVM)
     // How do I get the PolicyId here?! NoteVM PolicyId is null
     // This function is being called via jQuery from the Policy form and I obviously don't want to send the policyId via QueryString.



@Html.Partial("_Notes", Model.NoteVM)

@Html.HiddenFor(model => model.PolicyId)

@Html.HiddenFor(model => model.NoteVM.PolicyId) // also tried this with no success!



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