I have a matrix X;
Eigen::MatrixXcf X = Shapes.block(0,0,Shapes.rows(),data.cols()) * std::complex<float>(0,1) +
I have verified that numbers are correct in matlab to what i expects. Then i do following in Eigen.
Eigen::MatrixXcf A = X.transpose() * X;
And verifieing the numbers in matlab now, A is not the same as if i used X'X in matlab. Am i missing something?
(21.5056,-85.0501) (19.9044,-84.2936) (18.0362,-59.8332) (41.4988,-81.8243) (36.6729,-83.0033) (38.0295,-56.6073) (64.0719,-74.0823) (58.601,-73.3259) (70.2767,-47.5751) (88.5798,-58.5984) (82.4639,-58.4872) (93.4947,-37.2525) (105.993,-43.7597) (104.392,-44.2936) (112.198,-26.2848)
> (21.5056,-85.0501) (41.4988,-81.8243) (64.0719,-74.0823)
> (88.5798,-58.5984) (105 .993,-43.7597) (19.9044,-84.2936)
> (36.6729,-83.0033) (58.601,-73.3259) (82.4639,-58.4872)
> (104.392,-44.2936) (18.0362,-59.8332) (38.0295,-56.6073)
> (70.2767,-47.5751) (93.4947,-37.2525) (112 .198,-26.2848)
(-16735,-9172.05) (-15034.5,-13329) (-11516.3,-18504.6) (-6910.19,-23175.2)
(-15034.5,-13329) (-12275.9,-17184.7) (-7360.56,-21657.5) (-1502.46,-25378.6)
(-11516.3,-18504.6) (-7360.56,-21657.5) (-650.169,-24774) (6676.41,-26856.9)
(-6910.19,-23175.2) (-1502.46,-25378.6) (6676.41,-26856.9) (15145.7,-26993.3)
(-2647.21,-26824.3) (3748.75,-28128.9) (13053.4,-28091.3) (22353.3,-26482.6)
Eigen::MatrixXcf B = X.topLeftCorner<3,5>();
Eigen::MatrixXcf C = X.topLeftCorner<3,5>();
std::cout << B << std::endl<<std::endl;
std::cout << C << std::endl<<std::endl;
std::cout << B*C << std::endl;