記述できる「union」にメソッドを書き込もうとしています。A、B、Cがセットの場合、C = A.union(B)の形式になります。Unionは、セットAとBのすべての要素を含むセットを返しますが、重複するリストは1回だけです。
/** Singly linked list .*/
public class SLinkedList {
protected Node head; // head node of the list
protected int size; // number of nodes in the list
/** Default constructor that creates an empty list */
public SLinkedList() {
head = new Node(null, null); // create a dummy head
size = 0;
// add last
public void addLast(Object data) {
Node cur = head;
// find last node
while (cur.getNext() != null) {
cur = cur.getNext();
// cur refers to the last node
cur.setNext(new Node(data, null));
// contain method to check existing elements
public boolean contain (Object target) {
boolean status = false;
Node cursor;
for (cursor = head; cursor != null; cursor = cursor.getNext()) {
if (target.equals(cursor.getElement())) {
status = true;
return status;
public SLinkedList union (SLinkedList secondSet) {
SLinkedList unionSet = new SLinkedList();
secondSet = new SLinkedList();
Node cursor;
for(cursor = head.getNext(); cursor != null; cursor = cursor.getNext()) {
// traverse secondSet, if an element is existed in either set A or union
// set, skip, else add to union set
return unionSet;
/** Node of a singly linked list of strings. */
public class Node {
private Object element; // we assume elements are character strings
private Node next;
/** Creates a node with the given element and next node. */
public Node(Object o, Node n) {
element = o;
next = n;
/** Returns the element of this node. */
public Object getElement() { return element; }
/** Returns the next node of this node. */
public Node getNext() { return next; }
// Modifier methods:
/** Sets the element of this node. */
public void setElement(Object newElem) { element = newElem; }
/** Sets the next node of this node. */
public void setNext(Node newNext) { next = newNext; }
問題は、2番目のリストが含まれるpublic SLinkedList union (SLinkedList secondSet)