- クライアントはサーバーに接続します
- サーバーに送信される(サーバー側のコンソールに表示される)クライアントコンソールでユーザーがメッセージを入力します。
- ユーザーは、同じクライアントに送り返されるサーバーコンソールにメッセージを入力します。
myLog winLog;
DWORD WINAPI clientHandleThread(LPVOID threadInfo)
//this structure will contain all the data this callback will work on
myThreadArgument* clientArgument = (myThreadArgument*)threadInfo;
//the semamphore to protect the access to the std output
mySemaphore* coutSemaphore = clientArgument->getCoutSemaphore();
/*get the client connection: receiving messages from client and
sending messages to the client will all be done by using
this client connection*/
myTcpSocket* clientConnection = clientArgument->getClientConnect();
string clientName = clientArgument->getHostName();
//the server is communicating with this client here
string messageFromClient = "";
//receive from the client
int numBytes = clientConnection->receiveMessage(messageFromClient);
if ( numBytes == -99 ) break;
//write to the console and the log file, so lock the semaphore
cout << "[RECV fr " << clientName << "]: " << messageFromClient << endl;
winLog << "[RECV fr " << clientName << "]: " << messageFromClient << endl;
msgInfo proMsgFrCli = msgClassification(messageFromClient);
//if the client wants to discount
if ( messageFromClient.compare("quit") == 0 || messageFromClient.compare("Quit") == 0 )
else // send to the client
char messageToClient[MAX_MSG_LEN+1];
cout << "[SEND to " << clientName << "]: ";
winLog << "[SEND to " << clientName << "]: " << messageToClient << endl;
// if we reach here, this session with the client is done,
// so we set the event on this thread to inform the main
// control that this session is finished
return 1;
DWORD WINAPI serverHandleThread(LPVOID threadInfo) //server thread
//this structure will contain all the data this callback will work on
myThreadArgument* serverArgument = (myThreadArgument*)threadInfo;
//the semamphore to protect the access to the std output
mySemaphore* coutSemaphore = serverArgument->getCoutSemaphore();
//get the server
myTcpSocket* myServer = serverArgument->getClientConnect();
string serverName = serverArgument->getHostName();
//bind the server to the socket
cout << endl << "server finishes binding process... " << endl;
winLog << endl << "server finishes binding process... " << endl;
//server starts to wait for client calls
cout << "server is waiting for client calls ... " << endl;
winLog << "server is waiting for client calls ... " << endl;
//server starts to listen, and generates a thread to handle each client
myThreadArgument* clientArgument[MAX_NUM_CLIENTS];
myThread* clientHandle[MAX_NUM_CLIENTS];
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_CLIENTS; i++ )
clientArgument[i] = NULL;
clientHandle[i] = NULL;
int currNumOfClients = 0;
char buffer [100]; //temp buffer to convert currNumOfClients to char
while ( 1 )
//wait to accept a client connection.
//processing is suspended until the client connects
myTcpSocket* client; //connection dedicated for client communication
string clientName; //client name
client = myServer->acceptClient(clientName);
clientName = clientName + "-" + itoa(currNumOfClients, buffer, 10);//char(65+currNumOfClients);
//lock the std out so we can write to the console
cout << endl << endl << "==> a client from [" << clientName << "] is connected!" << endl;
winLog << endl << "==> a client from [" << clientName << "] is connected!" << endl << endl;
//for this client, generate a thread to handle it
if ( currNumOfClients < MAX_NUM_CLIENTS-1 )
clientArgument[currNumOfClients] = new myThreadArgument(client,coutSemaphore,clientName);
clientHandle[currNumOfClients] = new myThread(clientHandleThread,(void*)clientArgument[currNumOfClients]);
return 1;
int main()
/*build a semaphore so we can synchronize the access to std cout
also includes the log file*/
mySemaphore coutSemaphore(string(""),1);
//initialize the winsock library
/*create the server: local host will be used as the server, let us
first use myHostInfo class to show the name and IP address
of the local host*/
winLog << endl;
winLog << "retrieve the local host name and address:" << endl;
myHostInfo serverInfo;
string serverName = serverInfo.getHostName();
string serverIPAddress = serverInfo.getHostIPAddress();
cout << "my localhost (server) information:" << endl;
cout << " name: " << serverName << endl;
cout << " address: " << serverIPAddress << endl;
winLog << " ==> name: " << serverName << endl;
winLog << " ==> address: " << serverIPAddress << endl;
//open socket on the local host(server) and show its configuration
myTcpSocket myServer(PORTNUM);
cout << myServer;
winLog << myServer;
//read connectivityFile
neighbourInfo = connFrFile(numberOfFiles, intBtwnChange);
//read routingFile
nextHopInfo = routFrFile(numberOfFiles, intBtwnChange);
/*create a thread to implement server process: listening to the socket,
accepting client calls and communicating with clients. This will free the
main control (see below) to do other process*/
myThreadArgument* serverArgument = new myThreadArgument(&myServer,&coutSemaphore,serverName);
myThread* serverThread = new myThread(serverHandleThread,(void*)serverArgument);
// main control: since the serverThread is handling the server functions,
// this main control is free to do other things.
while ( 1 )
/*do whatever you need to do here, I am using Sleep(x)
to make a little delay, pretending to be the other
possible processings*/
//report the server status
cout << endl << "-----------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
winLog << endl << "-----------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << "server (name:" << serverName << ") status report:" << endl;
winLog << "server (name:" << serverName << ") status report:" << endl;
cout << " the following clients have successfully connected with server: " << endl;
winLog << " the following clients have successfully connected with server: " << endl;
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_CLIENTS; i ++ )
myThreadArgument* clientInfo = serverArgument->getClientArgument(i);
if ( clientInfo )
cout << " " << clientInfo->getHostName() << endl;
winLog << " " << clientInfo->getHostName() << endl;
cout << " the following clients have shutdown the connection: " << endl;
winLog << " the following clients have shutdown the connection: " << endl;
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_CLIENTS; i ++ )
myThreadArgument* clientInfo = serverArgument->getClientArgument(i);
if ( clientInfo && clientInfo->getExitEvent()->waitForEvent(0) )
cout << " " << clientInfo->getHostName() << endl;
winLog << " " << clientInfo->getHostName() << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
winLog << "-----------------------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;
return 1;