Eclipse ランタイム構成で動作するように見える Python スクリプトがあります。Ubuntu コマンドラインで実行すると、メイン プログラムの終了後にセグメンテーション エラーが発生します。なぜそれが起こっているのですか?どうすれば解決したり、デバッグしたりできますか?
$:~/ober/code/impute/impute/batch-beagle$ python ~/ober/code/impute/bin/ -v 1 ~/ober/data/hutt/chr22/hutt.stage5.npz ~/ober/data/hutt/hutt.kinship /home/oren/ober/code/impute/impute/batch-beagle/out/node-0/node-0/
[[0 0]]
Pair 1/4: (0,0) (0,0)
0 3218 16484792 51156934 0 0
Pair 2/4: (0,0) (0,1)
Pair 3/4: (0,1) (0,0)
Pair 4/4: (0,1) (0,1)
0 3218 16484792 51156934 0 1
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
import os, sys, impute as im, itertools, csv, optparse, traceback, util, numpy as np
if __name__ == '__main__':
Main program
# Parse and validate command-line arguments
PROGRAM = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
usage = 'Usage: %s [flags] <phased-data-file> <kinship-file> <input-file>\n\n' \
'Locate IBD segments among a subset of sample in an NPZ phased data set.\n' \
'Sample pairs are read from standard input. Segments are written to standard output.\n' \
'\tphased-data-file - NPZ file containing phasing results\n' \
'\tkinship-file - Sorted identity coefficient file\n' \
'\tpair-list-file - Sorted identity coefficient file\n' \
'\tout-file - File to output segments to\n' \
'\n' \
'Example:\n' \
'phased-data-file = /home/oren/ober/data/hutt/chr22/hutt.stage5.npz\n' \
'kinship-file = /home/oren/ober/data/hutt/hutt.kinship\n' \
'pair-list-file contains the lines\n' \
'0 1\n' \
'...\n' \
'0 100\n' \
'\n' \
'Type ''%s -h'' to display full help.' % (PROGRAM, PROGRAM)
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option('-v', '--debug', type='int', dest='debug', default=0,
help='Debug Level (0=quiet; 1=summary; 2=full debug)')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
if len(args) != 3:
print usage
phased_data_file, kinship_file, input_file = args
# Load data
problem =
params = im.PhaseParam(kinship_file=kinship_file, debug=(options.debug >= 2))
# Read all pairs from stdin first
# pairs = [(int(line[0]), int(line[1])) for line in csv.reader(sys.stdin, delimiter=' ', skipinitialspace=True) if line]
pairs = np.loadtxt(input_file, dtype=np.uint)
if len(pairs.shape) < 2:
pairs = pairs[np.newaxis]
print pairs
# Loop over pairs and output segments to output file
num_pairs = 4 * len(pairs)
for k, ((i, j), (a, b)) in enumerate(itertools.product(pairs, itertools.product(im.constants.ALLELES, im.constants.ALLELES))):
if options.debug >= 1:
print 'Pair %d/%d: (%d,%d) (%d,%d)' % (k + 1, num_pairs, i, a, j, b)
segments = im.ih.hap_segments(problem, i, a, j, b, params)
print 'Done'