私はmatlab guiを使用して、ウェブカメラで写真をキャプチャしています。別の名前で画像を保存する方法がわかりません..
function pbPreview_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
vid = videoinput('winvideo', 1, 'YUY2_176x144');
% only capture one frame per trigger, we are not recording a video
vid.FramesPerTrigger = 1;
% output would image in RGB color space
vid.ReturnedColorspace = 'rgb';
% tell matlab to start the webcam on user request, not automatically
triggerconfig(vid, 'manual');
% we need this to know the image height and width
vidRes = get(vid, 'VideoResolution');
% image width
imWidth = vidRes(1);
% image height
imHeight = vidRes(2);
% number of bands of our image (should be 3 because it's RGB)
nBands = get(vid, 'NumberOfBands');
% create an empty image container and show it on axPreview
hImage = image(zeros(imHeight, imWidth, nBands), 'parent', handles.axPreview);
% begin the webcam preview
preview(vid, hImage);
% --- Executes on button press in pbCapture.
function pbCapture_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pbCapture (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
vid = videoinput('winvideo', 1, 'YUY2_176x144');
vid.FramesPerTrigger = 1;
vid.ReturnedColorspace = 'rgb';
triggerconfig(vid, 'manual');
vidRes = get(vid, 'VideoResolution');
imWidth = vidRes(1);
imHeight = vidRes(2);
nBands = get(vid, 'NumberOfBands');
hImage = image(zeros(imHeight, imWidth, nBands), 'parent', handles.axPreview)
preview(vid, hImage);
%while 1
% prepare for capturing the image preview
% pause for 3 seconds to give our webcam a "warm-up" time
% do capture!
% stop the preview
% get the captured image data and save it on capt1 variable
capt1 = getdata(vid);
% now write capt1 into file named captured.png
imwrite(capt1, 'captured.png');
% just dialog that we are done capturing
function pushbutton3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
imshow('C:\Documents and Settings\Anita\My Documents\MATLAB\captured.png');