Sub Save_Forms_Data()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim strFolder As String, strFile As String, wdDoc As Document, strDocName As String
strFolder = CurDir
If strFolder = "" Then Exit Sub
strFile = Dir(strFolder & "\*.doc", vbNormal)
While strFile <> ""
Set wdDoc = Documents.Open(FileName:=strFolder & "\" & strFile, AddToRecentFiles:=False, Visible:=False)
With wdDoc
strDocName = Left(.FullName, InStrRev(.FullName, ".")) & "txt"
.SaveAs2 FileName:=strDocName, FileFormat:=wdFormatText, AddToRecentFiles:=False, _
SaveFormsData:=True, Encoding:=1252, InsertLineBreaks:=False, LineEnding:=wdCRLF
.Close SaveChanges:=False
End With
strFile = Dir()
Set wdDoc = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.Quit SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
End Sub