public final class ProcessorChain<IN extends MessageProvider, OUT extends MessageProvider>
implements Processor<IN, OUT>
* The resulting processor
private final Processor<IN, OUT> p;
* Start a processing chain with a single processor
* @param p the processor
* @param <X> the input type
* @param <Y> the output type
* @return a single element processing chain
public static <X extends MessageProvider, Y extends MessageProvider>
ProcessorChain<X, Y> startWith(final Processor<X, Y> p)
return new ProcessorChain<X, Y>(p);
* Private constructor
* @param p the processor
private ProcessorChain(final Processor<IN, OUT> p)
this.p = p;
* Add an existing processor to that chain
* <p>Note that this returns a <b>new</b> chain.</p>
* @param p2 the processor to add
* @param <NEWOUT> the return type for that new processor
* @return a new chain consisting of the previous chain with the new
* processor appended
public <NEWOUT extends MessageProvider> ProcessorChain<IN, NEWOUT>
chainWith(final Processor<OUT, NEWOUT> p2)
return new ProcessorChain<IN, NEWOUT>(merge(p, p2));
public Processor<IN, OUT> end()
return this;
public OUT process(final ProcessingReport report, final IN input)
throws ProcessingException
return p.process(report, input);
* Merge two processors
* @param p1 the first processor
* @param p2 the second processor
* @param <X> the input type of {@code p1}
* @param <Y> the output type of {@code p1} and input type of {@code p2}
* @param <Z> the output type of {@code p2}
* @return a processor resulting of applying {@code p2} to the output of
* {@code p1}
private static <X extends MessageProvider, Y extends MessageProvider, Z extends MessageProvider>
Processor<X, Z> merge(final Processor<X, Y> p1, final Processor<Y, Z> p2)
return new Processor<X, Z>()
public Z process(final ProcessingReport report, final X input)
throws ProcessingException
return p2.process(report, p1.process(report, input));
// p1 does <X, Y>, p2 does <Y, Z>, p3 does <Z, T>
Processor<X, T> p = ProcessingChain.startWith(p1).chainWith(p2).chainWith(p3).end();
Processor<X, T> p = ProcessingChain.start().add(p1).add(p2).add(p3).end();
Processor<X, T> p = ProcessingChain.start().add(p1).stopOnError().etc().etc()